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©Marko Grönroos, 1998

KAuditor for Linux


KAuditor requires KDE1! (or KDE2 with compatibility libraries)

KAuditor is an interactive tool with KDE/Qt user interface for auditing monthly time series of multiple dynamic variables.

Auditing means here specially trying to check that values of a (monthly) time series are consistent with earlier behaviour.

The most important prediction method uses artificial neural network learning, although the simple methods do quite well too with many problems. It can use input from several previous months and find functional dependencies between different variables to make more accurate predictions.

KAuditor is intended primarily for business auditing, but it can, of course, be applied to any other similar tasks.

KAuditor is based on the Inanna neural network library, and MagiClib base class library. They are included in the source RPM, but available also separately (see below). The libraries have been tested only in Linux, and do not currently compile in Solaris.

Notice: KAuditor can currently predict only one full year at a time, and that year must begin from January and end in December. It requires a few years worth of training material to learn the behaviour.


KAuditor doesn't currently have in-program documentation. Full documentation is given in the user's manual:

Downloads and installation

IMPORTANT! KAuditor requires KDE1! You must have the KDE1 and Qt-1.44 runtime libraries installed.

The default KDE1 directory is /opt/kde1, but if you have KDE1 installed elsewhere (which is probable if you have KDE2), such as in /usr/lib/kde1-compat, give the --prefix=path flag:

# rpm -i --prefix=/usr/lib/kde1-compat kauditor-0.3-1.i386.rpm
If you really have Qt-1.44 and KDE1, but RPM still complains about their versions, just give the --nodeps option:
# rpm -i --prefix=/usr/lib/kde1-compat kauditor-0.3-1.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
       qt < 2.0 is needed by kauditor-0.3-1
# rpm -i --prefix=/usr/lib/kde1-compat --nodeps kauditor-0.3-1.i386.rpm
KAuditor is now installed an almost-ready-to-run.

See also the usage notes below!


The RPM package has also two sample data files from one company, installed in (KDE1-prefix)/share/apps/kauditor/.


Note: The CVS version may be the most current and possibly the most correct one! It is, however, critical to use exactly correct versions of MagiClib (1.0.3) and Inanna (0.3.2). Compatible versions are included in the source package.

Important usage notes (you really need this)

The $KDEDIR environment variable must point to proper location of KDE1 installation, and it's probably already correct if you're using KDE1. KDE2.x contains kde1-compat compatibility library, which you would typically use with:
$ KDEDIR=/usr/lib/kde1-compat kauditor
If you do not do this, KAuditor may not function properly, if at all.

You might also want to have KDE1 bin directory in your path. If you don't already have it, you might put it there before launching KAuditor (in bash):

$ export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/kde1-compat/bin"
Below is a short script that does all this for you.

Launching KDE1 applications under KDE2

You need the following script (in Python):
# A small utility to invoking KDE1 programs under KDE2.
# By Marko Grönroos, 2001.

# Edit this to suit your installation
kdedir = "/usr/lib/kde1-compat"

import os,sys
os.putenv ("KDEDIR", kdedir)

# Add KDEDIR/bin to PATH
os.putenv ("PATH", os.environ["PATH"]+":"+kdedir+"/bin")

# "Quote" parameters. This is important because they can contain spaces, etc.
params = ""
for p in sys.argv[1:]:
    if " " in p:
        p = "\"%s\"" % p
    params = params + p + " "

os.system (params)
Name it kde1 or whatever you like, put it in your normal path, give it a+rx permissions, and invoke it with:
$ kde1 kauditor /usr/lib/kde1-compat/share/apps/kauditor/company_1_90-95.tsv
The script is especially useful if you want to put KAuditor in KDE Start menu.

Last modified: Tue Mar 27 10:43:09 EEST 2001