Zygaena Fabricius, 1775

WARNING! The subspecies treatment is approximate (mostly following NHM card index at time of updating, 2021), not having access to any complete modern publication to address ths issues. The infrasubspecific names are even more uncertain and messy (derived mostly from [ZRT] (Reiss & Tremewan, 1967 catalogue).

Subgenus Mesembrynus Hübner, [1819]
The manlia species-group
The purpuralis species-group
The graslini species-group
The cynarae species-group
The centaureae species-group
The corsica species-group
The zuleima species-group
The favonia species-group
Subgenus Agrumenia Hübner, [1819]
The fausta species-group
The hilaris species-group
The cocandica species-group
The olivieri species-group
The fraxini species-group
The felix species-group
The orana species-group
The carniolica species-group
The exulans species-group
The viciae species-group
The loti species-group
Subgenus Zygaena
The anthyllidis species-group
The lavandulae species-group
The rhadamanthus species-group
The persephone species-group
The nevadensis species-group
The transalpina species-group
The filipendulae species-group

Unmatched external taxa

Unknown or unplaced taxa


31.8.2023 (110)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.