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© Marko Grönroos, 1998

    Dai Nippon Batto Ryu

    [Source: Kristoffer Sandelin on iaido-l in April-95]

    In Japan the military was using swordsmen from different schools as teachers. Among others the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba was teaching soldiers. Katori Shinto ryu-based techniques were also taught to large masses. Eishin ryu based techniques were taught by Kono Hyakyren. He founded in showa 14 (1939) Dai Nippon Batto Ryu including two series of kata: Kihon no kata (basic) and oku (advanced) no kata (advanced). The techniques included were:

    Kihon no kata:

    1. Junto
    2. Tsuigekito
    3. Shato
    4. Shihoto
    5. Kiritsuketo

    Oku no kata:

    1. Zentekito
    2. Tatekito
    3. Kotekito gyakuto
    4. Kotekito nukiuchi

    The Dai Nippon Batto Ryu is today included in the Eishin ryu (Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei style) and is now called Batto ho. The kihon no kata now includes 7 kata.

    The Japanese army taught in the military academy of Toyama the sword techniques of Toyama ryu. This school of swordsmanship was based on the Omori ryu tradition and on the use of gunto ("the Japanese military sword"). The school includes kihon and oku series. The Toyama ryu is still a living school and is famous of good test cutting. Toyama ryu can be considered as the style that was used by the Japanese army.

    Kihon no kata

    1. Junto

    This is a bit like koranto in MSR and MJER. You are walking peacefully towards a bad person, which you wish to kill for self-defence or something. This walking (or running) is represented by taking a step with right foot and gripping the tsuba with left hand.

    Nukitsuke. Grip the handle with your right hand on the second step (with your left foot) and strike a forceful nukitsuke in low stance while stepping strongly forward with your right foot to iai-goshi. Maintain your zanshin while spending a small sticky moment in this position, your sword pointing at the opponent, who now tries to escape franticly.

    Kiritsuke. Raise your sword while chasing your target by stepping with your left foot by the right and strike him while stepping strongly with your right foot to iai-goshi.

    Chiburi and noto. Perform o-chiburi, by stabbing with the sword to far back-right. Change your feet. Perform noto as in MJER, edge facing up, drawing forward.

    2. Tsuigekito

    Starting. As in junto.

    Nukitsuke. Cut the opponent with nukitsuke at 45° angle (left-up to right-down), while stepping with right foot to a wide hanmi.

    Kiri. Step left foot by the right and hit menuchi while stepping with right foot.

    Kiri kudachi. Same as the first k, except that the cut continues to horizontal position.

    Chiburi and noto. Yoko chiburi. Noto with the edge facing up.

    3. Shato

    Starting and nukitsuke. As in tsuigekito.

    Kiri. Hit the opponent in head with a slight girigaeshi from left, while stepping with the left foot. The sword stops in head.

    Kiri kudachi. Cut with girigaeshi from right so that you end in direction about 15-30° left from the original direction, blade horizontal.

    Chiburi and noto. as in tsuigekito.

    4. Shihoto

    A tactical excercise. Four opponents - three in front and one in back.

    "Nukitsuke".Hit the rightmost target forward with the sword handle. This should at least stun him for a second. The sword is now at saya banare. Disable the opponent behind you with a small tsuki backwards. The right hand grabs the tsuka in middle of the tsuki.

    Three kiritsuke. Cut the rightmost opponent with kiri otoshi. Draw your right foot by the left. Cut the leftmost opponent, while stepping with right foot. The leftmost opponent is cut because then the central opponent has to get to defensive, which gives time to kill the leftmost opponent. Draw your right foot by the left. Cut the center opponent, while stepping with right foot.

    Chiburi and noto. As in tsuigekito.

    5. Kiritsuketo

    Starting and nukiuchi. As in tsuigekito.



    Chiburi and noto. as in tsuigekito.

    Pääsivulle Muuta