Using the WordPerfect component for the Harvest Gatherer

This WordPerfect component can summarize files generated by WordPerfect 5.1. It uses the WP2X software to translate a WordPerfect 5.1 file temporarily into an HTML file, and then uses the Harvest HTML summarizer to summarize the data.

To use this component,

  1. Retrieve the WordPerfect component distribution (components/WordPerfect.tar.gz) from one of the Harvest software distribution sites.
  2. Unpack the distribution into the Harvest source tree, and add the component using the SetupComponent command:
         % gzip -dc WordPerfect.tar.gz | (cd harvest-1.x/components/gatherer; tar xvf -)
         % ./SetupComponent add gatherer WordPerfect
  3. Build and install the Harvest source tree as described in the Harvest User's Manual.

For more information about Harvest, see the Harvest home page.