patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/include/asm-x86_64/system.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/include/asm-x86_64/system.h linux-2.4.20/include/asm-x86_64/system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+#ifndef __ASM_SYSTEM_H
+#define __ASM_SYSTEM_H
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define LOCK_PREFIX "lock ; "
+#define LOCK_PREFIX ""
+#define prepare_to_switch() do {} while(0)
+#define __STR(x) #x
+#define STR(x) __STR(x)
+#define __PUSH(x) "pushq %%" __STR(x) "\n\t"
+#define __POP(x)  "popq  %%" __STR(x) "\n\t"
+/* frame pointer must be last for get_wchan */
+#define SAVE_CONTEXT \
+	__PUSH(rsi) __PUSH(rdi) \
+    __PUSH(r12) __PUSH(r13) __PUSH(r14) __PUSH(r15)  \
+	__PUSH(rdx) __PUSH(rcx) __PUSH(r8) __PUSH(r9) __PUSH(r10) __PUSH(r11)  \
+	__PUSH(rbx) __PUSH(rbp) 
+	__POP(rbp) __POP(rbx) \
+	__POP(r11) __POP(r10) __POP(r9) __POP(r8) __POP(rcx) __POP(rdx) \
+	__POP(r15) __POP(r14) __POP(r13) __POP(r12) \
+	__POP(rdi) __POP(rsi)
+#define switch_to(prev,next,last) do { void *l; \
+	asm volatile(SAVE_CONTEXT					\
+		     "movq %%rsp,%0\n\t"	/* save RSP */		\
+		     "movq %3,%%rsp\n\t"	/* restore RSP */	\
+		     "leaq 1f(%%rip),%%rax\n\t"				\
+		     "movq %%rax,%1\n\t"	/* save RIP */		\
+		     "pushq %4\n\t"		/* setup new RIP */	\
+		     "jmp __switch_to\n\t"				\
+		     "1:\n\t"						\
+		     RESTORE_CONTEXT					\
+		     :"=m" (prev->thread.rsp),"=m" (prev->, "=a" (l) \
+		     :"m" (next->thread.rsp),"m" (next->,	\
+		      "S" (next), "D" (prev)				\
+		     :"memory","cc");					\
+	last = l; 							\
+} while(0)
+extern void load_gs_index(unsigned); 
+ * Load a segment. Fall back on loading the zero
+ * segment if something goes wrong..
+ */
+#define loadsegment(seg,value)	\
+	asm volatile("\n"			\
+		"1:\t"				\
+		"movl %0,%%" #seg "\n"		\
+		"2:\n"				\
+		".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"	\
+		"3:\t"				\
+		"pushq $0 ; popq %% " #seg "\n\t"	\
+		"jmp 2b\n"			\
+		".previous\n"			\
+		".section __ex_table,\"a\"\n\t"	\
+		".align 4\n\t"			\
+		".quad 1b,3b\n"			\
+		".previous"			\
+		: :"r" ((int)(value)))
+#define set_debug(value,register) \
+                __asm__("movq %0,%%db" #register  \
+		: /* no output */ \
+		:"r" ((unsigned long) value))
+ * Clear and set 'TS' bit respectively
+ */
+#define clts() __asm__ __volatile__ ("clts")
+#define read_cr0() ({ \
+	unsigned long __dummy; \
+	__asm__( \
+		"movq %%cr0,%0\n\t" \
+		:"=r" (__dummy)); \
+	__dummy; \
+#define write_cr0(x) \
+	__asm__("movq %0,%%cr0": :"r" (x));
+#define read_cr4() ({ \
+	unsigned long __dummy; \
+	__asm__( \
+		"movq %%cr4,%0\n\t" \
+		:"=r" (__dummy)); \
+	__dummy; \
+#define write_cr4(x) \
+	__asm__("movq %0,%%cr4": :"r" (x));
+#define stts() write_cr0(8 | read_cr0())
+#define wbinvd() \
+	__asm__ __volatile__ ("wbinvd": : :"memory");
+#endif	/* __KERNEL__ */
+#define nop() __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop")
+#define xchg(ptr,v) ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__xchg((unsigned long)(v),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr))))
+#define tas(ptr) (xchg((ptr),1))
+#define __xg(x) ((volatile long *)(x))
+extern inline void set_64bit(volatile unsigned long *ptr, unsigned long val)
+	*ptr = val;
+#define _set_64bit set_64bit
+ * Note: no "lock" prefix even on SMP: xchg always implies lock anyway
+ * Note 2: xchg has side effect, so that attribute volatile is necessary,
+ *	  but generally the primitive is invalid, *ptr is output argument. --ANK
+ */
+static inline unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x, volatile void * ptr, int size)
+	switch (size) {
+		case 1:
+			__asm__ __volatile__("xchgb %b0,%1"
+				:"=q" (x)
+				:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
+				:"memory");
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			__asm__ __volatile__("xchgw %w0,%1"
+				:"=r" (x)
+				:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
+				:"memory");
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			__asm__ __volatile__("xchgl %k0,%1"
+				:"=r" (x)
+				:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
+				:"memory");
+			break;
+		case 8:
+			__asm__ __volatile__("xchgq %0,%1"
+				:"=r" (x)
+				:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
+				:"memory");
+			break;
+	}
+	return x;
+ * Atomic compare and exchange.  Compare OLD with MEM, if identical,
+ * store NEW in MEM.  Return the initial value in MEM.  Success is
+ * indicated by comparing RETURN with OLD.
+ */
+#define __HAVE_ARCH_CMPXCHG 1
+static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old,
+				      unsigned long new, int size)
+	unsigned long prev;
+	switch (size) {
+	case 1:
+		__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgb %b1,%2"
+				     : "=a"(prev)
+				     : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+				     : "memory");
+		return prev;
+	case 2:
+		__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgw %w1,%2"
+				     : "=a"(prev)
+				     : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+				     : "memory");
+		return prev;
+	case 4:
+		__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgl %k1,%2"
+				     : "=a"(prev)
+				     : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+				     : "memory");
+		return prev;
+	case 8:
+		__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgq %1,%2"
+				     : "=a"(prev)
+				     : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+				     : "memory");
+		return prev;
+	}
+	return old;
+#define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)\
+	((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
+					(unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define smp_mb()	mb()
+#define smp_rmb()	rmb()
+#define smp_wmb()	wmb()
+#define smp_mb()	barrier()
+#define smp_rmb()	barrier()
+#define smp_wmb()	barrier()
+ * Force strict CPU ordering.
+ * And yes, this is required on UP too when we're talking
+ * to devices.
+ *
+ * For now, "wmb()" doesn't actually do anything, as all
+ * Intel CPU's follow what Intel calls a *Processor Order*,
+ * in which all writes are seen in the program order even
+ * outside the CPU.
+ *
+ * I expect future Intel CPU's to have a weaker ordering,
+ * but I'd also expect them to finally get their act together
+ * and add some real memory barriers if so.
+ */
+#define mb() 	asm volatile("mfence":::"memory")
+#define rmb()	asm volatile("lfence":::"memory")
+#define wmb()	asm volatile("sfence":::"memory")
+#define set_mb(var, value) do { xchg(&var, value); } while (0)
+#define set_wmb(var, value) do { var = value; wmb(); } while (0)
+#define warn_if_not_ulong(x) do { unsigned long foo; (void) (&(x) == &foo); } while (0)
+/* interrupt control.. */
+#define __save_flags(x)		do { warn_if_not_ulong(x); __asm__ __volatile__("# save_flags \n\t pushfq ; popq %q0":"=g" (x): /* no input */ :"memory"); } while (0)
+#define __restore_flags(x) 	__asm__ __volatile__("# restore_flags \n\t pushq %0 ; popfq": /* no output */ :"g" (x):"memory", "cc")
+#define __cli() 		__asm__ __volatile__("cli": : :"memory")
+#define __sti()			__asm__ __volatile__("sti": : :"memory")
+/* used in the idle loop; sti takes one instruction cycle to complete */
+#define safe_halt()		__asm__ __volatile__("sti; hlt": : :"memory")
+/* For spinlocks etc */
+#define local_irq_save(x) 	do { warn_if_not_ulong(x); __asm__ __volatile__("# local_irq_save \n\t pushfq ; popq %0 ; cli":"=g" (x): /* no input */ :"memory"); } while (0)
+#define local_irq_restore(x)	__asm__ __volatile__("# local_irq_restore \n\t pushq %0 ; popfq": /* no output */ :"g" (x):"memory")
+#define local_irq_disable()	__cli()
+#define local_irq_enable()	__sti()
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+extern void __global_cli(void);
+extern void __global_sti(void);
+extern unsigned long __global_save_flags(void);
+extern void __global_restore_flags(unsigned long);
+#define cli() __global_cli()
+#define sti() __global_sti()
+#define save_flags(x) ((x)=__global_save_flags())
+#define restore_flags(x) __global_restore_flags(x)
+#define cli() __cli()
+#define sti() __sti()
+#define save_flags(x) __save_flags(x)
+#define restore_flags(x) __restore_flags(x)
+/* Default simics "magic" breakpoint */
+#define icebp() asm volatile("xchg %%bx,%%bx" ::: "ebx")
+ * disable hlt during certain critical i/o operations
+ */
+void disable_hlt(void);
+void enable_hlt(void);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: