patch-2.4.27 linux-2.4.27/fs/xfs/linux/xfs_iops.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.26/fs/xfs/linux/xfs_iops.c linux-2.4.27/fs/xfs/linux/xfs_iops.c
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *
- * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
- * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
- * or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
- * otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
- * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
- * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
- * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
- * Mountain View, CA  94043, or:
- *
- *
- *
- * For further information regarding this notice, see:
- *
- *
- */
-#include "xfs.h"
-#include "xfs_fs.h"
-#include "xfs_inum.h"
-#include "xfs_log.h"
-#include "xfs_trans.h"
-#include "xfs_sb.h"
-#include "xfs_ag.h"
-#include "xfs_dir.h"
-#include "xfs_dir2.h"
-#include "xfs_alloc.h"
-#include "xfs_dmapi.h"
-#include "xfs_quota.h"
-#include "xfs_mount.h"
-#include "xfs_alloc_btree.h"
-#include "xfs_bmap_btree.h"
-#include "xfs_ialloc_btree.h"
-#include "xfs_btree.h"
-#include "xfs_ialloc.h"
-#include "xfs_attr_sf.h"
-#include "xfs_dir_sf.h"
-#include "xfs_dir2_sf.h"
-#include "xfs_dinode.h"
-#include "xfs_inode.h"
-#include "xfs_bmap.h"
-#include "xfs_bit.h"
-#include "xfs_rtalloc.h"
-#include "xfs_error.h"
-#include "xfs_itable.h"
-#include "xfs_rw.h"
-#include "xfs_acl.h"
-#include "xfs_cap.h"
-#include "xfs_mac.h"
-#include "xfs_attr.h"
-#include "xfs_buf_item.h"
-#include "xfs_utils.h"
-#include <linux/xattr.h>
- * Pull the link count and size up from the xfs inode to the linux inode
- */
-STATIC void
-	struct inode	*ip)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(ip);
-	vattr_t		va;
-	int		error;
-	VOP_GETATTR(vp, &va, ATTR_LAZY, NULL, error);
-	ip->i_nlink = va.va_nlink;
-	ip->i_size = va.va_size;
-	ip->i_blocks = va.va_nblocks;
- * Determine whether a process has a valid fs_struct (kernel daemons
- * like knfsd don't have an fs_struct).
- */
-STATIC int inline
-has_fs_struct(struct task_struct *task)
-	return (task->fs != init_task.fs);
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	int		mode,
-	int		rdev)
-	struct inode	*ip;
-	vattr_t		va;
-	vnode_t		*vp = NULL, *dvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	xfs_acl_t	*default_acl = NULL;
-	attrexists_t	test_default_acl = _ACL_DEFAULT_EXISTS;
-	int		error;
-	if (test_default_acl && test_default_acl(dvp)) {
-		if (!_ACL_ALLOC(default_acl))
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		if (!_ACL_GET_DEFAULT(dvp, default_acl)) {
-			_ACL_FREE(default_acl);
-			default_acl = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Conditionally compiled so that the ACL base kernel changes can be
-	 * split out into separate patches - remove this once MS_POSIXACL is
-	 * accepted, or some other way to implement this exists.
-	 */
-	if (IS_POSIXACL(dir) && !default_acl && has_fs_struct(current))
-		mode &= ~current->fs->umask;
-	memset(&va, 0, sizeof(va));
-	va.va_mask = XFS_AT_TYPE|XFS_AT_MODE;
-	va.va_type = IFTOVT(mode);
-	va.va_mode = mode;
-	switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
-	case S_IFCHR: case S_IFBLK: case S_IFIFO: case S_IFSOCK:
-		va.va_rdev = XFS_MKDEV(MAJOR(rdev), MINOR(rdev));
-		va.va_mask |= XFS_AT_RDEV;
-	case S_IFREG:
-		VOP_CREATE(dvp, dentry, &va, &vp, NULL, error);
-		break;
-	case S_IFDIR:
-		VOP_MKDIR(dvp, dentry, &va, &vp, NULL, error);
-		break;
-	default:
-		error = EINVAL;
-		break;
-	}
-	if (default_acl) {
-		if (!error) {
-			error = _ACL_INHERIT(vp, &va, default_acl);
-			if (!error) {
-				VMODIFY(vp);
-			} else {
-				struct dentry	teardown = {};
-				int		err2;
-				/* Oh, the horror.
-				 * If we can't add the ACL we must back out.
-				 * ENOSPC can hit here, among other things.
-				 */
-				teardown.d_inode = ip = LINVFS_GET_IP(vp);
-				teardown.d_name = dentry->d_name;
-				remove_inode_hash(ip);
-				make_bad_inode(ip);
-				if (S_ISDIR(mode))
-					VOP_RMDIR(dvp, &teardown, NULL, err2);
-				else
-					VOP_REMOVE(dvp, &teardown, NULL, err2);
-				VN_RELE(vp);
-			}
-		}
-		_ACL_FREE(default_acl);
-	}
-	if (!error) {
-		ASSERT(vp);
-		ip = LINVFS_GET_IP(vp);
-		if (S_ISCHR(mode) || S_ISBLK(mode))
-			ip->i_rdev = to_kdev_t(rdev);
-		else if (S_ISDIR(mode))
-			validate_fields(ip);
-		d_instantiate(dentry, ip);
-		validate_fields(dir);
-	}
-	return -error;
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	int		mode)
-	return linvfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode, 0);
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	int		mode)
-	return linvfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode|S_IFDIR, 0);
-STATIC struct dentry *
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry)
-	struct inode	*ip = NULL;
-	vnode_t		*vp, *cvp = NULL;
-	int		error;
-	if (dentry->d_name.len >= MAXNAMELEN)
-	vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	VOP_LOOKUP(vp, dentry, &cvp, 0, NULL, NULL, error);
-	if (!error) {
-		ASSERT(cvp);
-		ip = LINVFS_GET_IP(cvp);
-		if (!ip) {
-			VN_RELE(cvp);
-			return ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
-		}
-	}
-	if (error && (error != ENOENT))
-		return ERR_PTR(-error);
-	d_add(dentry, ip);	/* Negative entry goes in if ip is NULL */
-	return NULL;
-	struct dentry	*old_dentry,
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry)
-	struct inode	*ip;	/* inode of guy being linked to */
-	vnode_t		*tdvp;	/* target directory for new name/link */
-	vnode_t		*vp;	/* vp of name being linked */
-	int		error;
-	ip = old_dentry->d_inode;	/* inode being linked to */
-	if (S_ISDIR(ip->i_mode))
-		return -EPERM;
-	tdvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(ip);
-	VOP_LINK(tdvp, vp, dentry, NULL, error);
-	if (!error) {
-		VMODIFY(tdvp);
-		VN_HOLD(vp);
-		validate_fields(ip);
-		d_instantiate(dentry, ip);
-	}
-	return -error;
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry)
-	struct inode	*inode;
-	vnode_t		*dvp;	/* directory containing name to remove */
-	int		error;
-	inode = dentry->d_inode;
-	dvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	VOP_REMOVE(dvp, dentry, NULL, error);
-	if (!error) {
-		validate_fields(dir);	/* For size only */
-		validate_fields(inode);
-	}
-	return -error;
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	const char	*symname)
-	struct inode	*ip;
-	vattr_t		va;
-	vnode_t		*dvp;	/* directory containing name to remove */
-	vnode_t		*cvp;	/* used to lookup symlink to put in dentry */
-	int		error;
-	dvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	cvp = NULL;
-	memset(&va, 0, sizeof(va));
-	va.va_type = VLNK;
-	va.va_mode = irix_symlink_mode ? 0777 & ~current->fs->umask : S_IRWXUGO;
-	va.va_mask = XFS_AT_TYPE|XFS_AT_MODE;
-	error = 0;
-	VOP_SYMLINK(dvp, dentry, &va, (char *)symname, &cvp, NULL, error);
-	if (!error && cvp) {
-		ASSERT(cvp->v_type == VLNK);
-		ip = LINVFS_GET_IP(cvp);
-		d_instantiate(dentry, ip);
-		validate_fields(dir);
-		validate_fields(ip); /* size needs update */
-	}
-	return -error;
-	struct inode	*dir,
-	struct dentry	*dentry)
-	struct inode	*inode = dentry->d_inode;
-	vnode_t		*dvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dir);
-	int		error;
-	VOP_RMDIR(dvp, dentry, NULL, error);
-	if (!error) {
-		validate_fields(inode);
-		validate_fields(dir);
-	}
-	return -error;
-	struct inode	*odir,
-	struct dentry	*odentry,
-	struct inode	*ndir,
-	struct dentry	*ndentry)
-	struct inode	*new_inode = ndentry->d_inode;
-	vnode_t		*fvp;	/* from directory */
-	vnode_t		*tvp;	/* target directory */
-	int		error;
-	fvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(odir);
-	tvp = LINVFS_GET_VP(ndir);
-	VOP_RENAME(fvp, odentry, tvp, ndentry, NULL, error);
-	if (error)
-		return -error;
-	if (new_inode)
-		validate_fields(new_inode);
-	validate_fields(odir);
-	if (ndir != odir)
-		validate_fields(ndir);
-	return 0;
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	char		*buf,
-	int		size)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	uio_t		uio;
-	iovec_t		iov;
-	int		error;
-	iov.iov_base = buf;
-	iov.iov_len = size;
-	uio.uio_iov = &iov;
-	uio.uio_offset = 0;
-	uio.uio_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE;
-	uio.uio_resid = size;
-	uio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
-	VOP_READLINK(vp, &uio, 0, NULL, error);
-	if (error)
-		return -error;
-	return (size - uio.uio_resid);
- * careful here - this function can get called recursively, so
- * we need to be very careful about how much stack we use.
- * uio is kmalloced for this reason...
- */
-	struct dentry		*dentry,
-	struct nameidata	*nd)
-	vnode_t			*vp;
-	uio_t			*uio;
-	iovec_t			iov;
-	int			error;
-	char			*link;
-	ASSERT(dentry);
-	ASSERT(nd);
-	link = (char *)kmalloc(MAXNAMELEN+1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!link)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	uio = (uio_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(uio_t), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!uio) {
-		kfree(link);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	iov.iov_base = link;
-	iov.iov_len = MAXNAMELEN;
-	uio->uio_iov = &iov;
-	uio->uio_offset = 0;
-	uio->uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
-	uio->uio_resid = MAXNAMELEN;
-	uio->uio_iovcnt = 1;
-	VOP_READLINK(vp, uio, 0, NULL, error);
-	if (error) {
-		kfree(uio);
-		kfree(link);
-		return -error;
-	}
-	link[MAXNAMELEN - uio->uio_resid] = '\0';
-	kfree(uio);
-	/* vfs_follow_link returns (-) errors */
-	error = vfs_follow_link(nd, link);
-	kfree(link);
-	return error;
-	struct inode	*inode,
-	int		mode)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
-	int		error;
-	mode <<= 6;		/* convert from linux to vnode access bits */
-	VOP_ACCESS(vp, mode, NULL, error);
-	return -error;
-	struct dentry	*dentry)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	if (unlikely(vp->v_flag & VMODIFIED))
-		return vn_revalidate(vp);
-	return 0;
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	struct iattr	*attr)
-	struct inode	*inode = dentry->d_inode;
-	unsigned int	ia_valid = attr->ia_valid;
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
-	vattr_t		vattr;
-	int		flags = 0;
-	int		error;
-	memset(&vattr, 0, sizeof(vattr_t));
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_UID) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_UID;
-		vattr.va_uid = attr->ia_uid;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_GID) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_GID;
-		vattr.va_gid = attr->ia_gid;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_SIZE;
-		vattr.va_size = attr->ia_size;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_ATIME;
-		vattr.va_atime.tv_sec = attr->ia_atime;
-		vattr.va_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_MTIME;
-		vattr.va_mtime.tv_sec = attr->ia_mtime;
-		vattr.va_mtime.tv_nsec = 0;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_CTIME;
-		vattr.va_ctime.tv_sec = attr->ia_ctime;
-		vattr.va_ctime.tv_nsec = 0;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_MODE) {
-		vattr.va_mask |= XFS_AT_MODE;
-		vattr.va_mode = attr->ia_mode;
-		if (!in_group_p(inode->i_gid) && !capable(CAP_FSETID))
-			inode->i_mode &= ~S_ISGID;
-	}
-	if (ia_valid & (ATTR_MTIME_SET | ATTR_ATIME_SET))
-		flags = ATTR_UTIME;
-	VOP_SETATTR(vp, &vattr, flags, NULL, error);
-	if (error)
-		return(-error);	/* Positive error up from XFS */
-	if (ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
-		error = vmtruncate(inode, attr->ia_size);
-	}
-	if (!error) {
-		vn_revalidate(vp);
-	}
-	return error;
-STATIC void
-	struct inode	*inode)
-	block_truncate_page(inode->i_mapping, inode->i_size, linvfs_get_block);
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	const char	*name,
-	void		*data,
-	size_t		size,
-	int		flags)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	char		*attr = (char *)name;
-	attrnames_t	*namesp;
-	int		xflags = 0;
-	int		error;
-	namesp = attr_lookup_namespace(attr, attr_namespaces, ATTR_NAMECOUNT);
-	if (!namesp)
-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-	attr += namesp->attr_namelen;
-	error = namesp->attr_capable(vp, NULL);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	/* Convert Linux syscall to XFS internal ATTR flags */
-	if (flags & XATTR_CREATE)
-		xflags |= ATTR_CREATE;
-	if (flags & XATTR_REPLACE)
-		xflags |= ATTR_REPLACE;
-	xflags |= namesp->attr_flag;
-	return namesp->attr_set(vp, attr, (void *)data, size, xflags);
-STATIC ssize_t
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	const char	*name,
-	void		*data,
-	size_t		size)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	char		*attr = (char *)name;
-	attrnames_t	*namesp;
-	int		xflags = 0;
-	ssize_t		error;
-	namesp = attr_lookup_namespace(attr, attr_namespaces, ATTR_NAMECOUNT);
-	if (!namesp)
-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-	attr += namesp->attr_namelen;
-	error = namesp->attr_capable(vp, NULL);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	/* Convert Linux syscall to XFS internal ATTR flags */
-	if (!size) {
-		xflags |= ATTR_KERNOVAL;
-		data = NULL;
-	}
-	xflags |= namesp->attr_flag;
-	return namesp->attr_get(vp, attr, (void *)data, size, xflags);
-STATIC ssize_t
-	struct dentry		*dentry,
-	char			*data,
-	size_t			size)
-	vnode_t			*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	int			error, xflags = ATTR_KERNAMELS;
-	ssize_t			result;
-	if (!size)
-		xflags |= ATTR_KERNOVAL;
-	error = attr_generic_list(vp, data, size, xflags, &result);
-	if (error < 0)
-		return error;
-	return result;
-	struct dentry	*dentry,
-	const char	*name)
-	vnode_t		*vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(dentry->d_inode);
-	char		*attr = (char *)name;
-	attrnames_t	*namesp;
-	int		xflags = 0;
-	int		error;
-	namesp = attr_lookup_namespace(attr, attr_namespaces, ATTR_NAMECOUNT);
-	if (!namesp)
-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-	attr += namesp->attr_namelen;
-	error = namesp->attr_capable(vp, NULL);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	xflags |= namesp->attr_flag;
-	return namesp->attr_remove(vp, attr, xflags);
-struct inode_operations linvfs_file_inode_operations = {
-	.permission		= linvfs_permission,
-	.truncate		= linvfs_truncate,
-	.revalidate		= linvfs_revalidate,
-	.setattr		= linvfs_setattr,
-	.setxattr		= linvfs_setxattr,
-	.getxattr		= linvfs_getxattr,
-	.listxattr		= linvfs_listxattr,
-	.removexattr		= linvfs_removexattr,
-struct inode_operations linvfs_dir_inode_operations = {
-	.create			= linvfs_create,
-	.lookup			= linvfs_lookup,
-	.link			= linvfs_link,
-	.unlink			= linvfs_unlink,
-	.symlink		= linvfs_symlink,
-	.mkdir			= linvfs_mkdir,
-	.rmdir			= linvfs_rmdir,
-	.mknod			= linvfs_mknod,
-	.rename			= linvfs_rename,
-	.permission		= linvfs_permission,
-	.revalidate		= linvfs_revalidate,
-	.setattr		= linvfs_setattr,
-	.setxattr		= linvfs_setxattr,
-	.getxattr		= linvfs_getxattr,
-	.listxattr		= linvfs_listxattr,
-	.removexattr		= linvfs_removexattr,
-struct inode_operations linvfs_symlink_inode_operations = {
-	.readlink		= linvfs_readlink,
-	.follow_link		= linvfs_follow_link,
-	.permission		= linvfs_permission,
-	.revalidate		= linvfs_revalidate,
-	.setattr		= linvfs_setattr,
-	.setxattr		= linvfs_setxattr,
-	.getxattr		= linvfs_getxattr,
-	.listxattr		= linvfs_listxattr,
-	.removexattr		= linvfs_removexattr,

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: