From albanycs!leah:rsb584 Mon Dec 21 18:54:01 1987 Received: by (5.54/4.8) id AA28845; Mon, 21 Dec 87 18:13:02 EST Date: Mon, 21 Dec 87 18:12:59 EST From: albanycs!leah:rsb584 ( Raymond S Brand) Received: by leah.Albany.EDU (5.58/1.1) id AA24231; Mon, 21 Dec 87 18:12:59 EST Message-Id: <8712212312.AA24231@leah.Albany.EDU> To: albanycs:beowulf!rsbx >From Mon Dec 21 15:04:02 1987 Path: leah!uwmcsd1!bbn!husc6!hao!gatech!rutgers!!!lou From: (Lou Steinberg) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Advanced Dither Needed Keywords: dither Message-ID: <> Date: 21 Dec 87 20:04:02 GMT References: <> Distribution: na Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Lines: 60 To: watson@ames.UUCP In article <> (John S. Watson) writes: > I'm looking for either references to, or code for a really > nice color dithering algorithm. The algorithm produces 8-bit dithered > images that are almost indistinguishable from the original 24-bit images. > > The algorithm colors a pixels by somehow taking into account the > quantization errors in coloring the neighboring pixels. > I think a similar algorithm is used in Sun's NeWS. > > I think the algorithm was first described by Floyd and Steinberg > in 1975 but I don't have the exact reference(s). If I had some harder > references I could probably code up the algorithm myself, but I also > don't want to re-invent the wheel. I think you are referring to the article Paul Heckert, "Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display", Computer Graphics, V. 16 #3, July 1982, p. 297. The dithering method he uses is an adaptation of an algorithm developed by Bob Floyd and myself for B/W halftoning. Our algorithm is described in Robert Floyd and Louis Steinberg, "An Adaptive Algorithm for Spatial Greyscale", Proceedings of the Society for Information Display, V.17 #2, 2nd Quarter 1976, P. 75 A good recent source on the B/W problem is Digital Halftoning, a book by Robert Ulichney, MIT Press, 1987 (based on his PhD thesis). Among other things, it discusses some improvements to our algorithm. The basic idea is that reducing a 24 bit color to an 8 bit color introduces some error. The closest available 8 bit color might have a certain amount too much red, a certain amount too little green, and a certain amount too much blue (or whatever other dimensions you are using for your color space). The algorithm scans the image. At each pixel it chooses the closest 8 bit color and calculates the error it has thus introduced. Some fraction of this error is used to adjust the color of each of those neighboring pixels that have not been processed yet. E.g. if the 8 bit color is too red, reduce the red value of the neighboring pixels. Heckert's article also discusses how to choose the specific 256 colors to use for the 8 bit picture (he assumes you have an 8 bit -> 24 bit color map in your display), and how to efficiently find the closest color in this set to any given 24 bit color. I believe Heckert is at Pixar now. Perhaps he can provide the code, although it should not be hard to rewrite it yourself. Also, Paul Roetling at Xerox's labs in Webster (Mass??) has been working on similar things. I can provide the code for the B/W version, with the standard disclaimer that "the secretary will disavow any knowledge ...". It is in C, runs on Suns and should run on anything. I do not know what is used in NeWS, but the B/W images I've seen do look as if they were produced by our algorithm. I'd be curious to know what method they use, since it seems to run very fast. -- Lou Steinberg uucp: {pretty much any major site}!rutgers!!lou arpa: