From Mon Mar 29 14:03:23 1993 Received: from by with SMTP id AA16979 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 29 Mar 1993 14:03:18 +0300 Message-Id: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 02:43:00 PST From: "VMSSERV Mail Server" Subject: U9211.TXT To: "rko" Status: OR CIS Radio Moscow Radio Ukraine Radio Tashkent Radio Yerevan 7295 2256 Golos Rossiye: RR: old pop hit "Papa Was a Rolling Stone", M anmt giving address, abruptly off 2259* (333 9/24 Westenhaver-QU) 7300 2229 RM: SS: tlk w/ guy from Russian Academy of Sciences, QRN (233 9/23 Westenhaver-QU) (Findlater-CA) 7300 0700 RM: RR: IS, ID, M/W dialog, Russian mx pgm (333 9/16 Findlater-CA) 7325 1335 RT: EE: plea for economic ties w/ phone # & address read 2x, ID, tlk on Azerbaijan, Yugoslavia, et. al. (fr 9/28 Famularo-JP) 7370 *0715 R. Tikhiy Okean: RR: ID, M/W dialog w/ ment of Yeltsin, remarkably good signal (444 9/24 Findlater-CA) 9505 1800 RM: EE: ID, W nx on jet crash in Amsterdam, W cmtry on rising popularity of Labor party in England, rise in ethnic conflicts in Russia (444 10/5 Findlater-CA) 9450 2138 RY: FF/EE: M FF nx, cmtry on Nagorno-Karabakh, closing anmt then into EE w/ ID & nx, UTE QRM (222 9/22 Westenhaver-QU) 9530 2146 RM: EE: "Science & Engineering" answering questions abt earthquakes in CIS, || 9640/9685 (343 9/18 Westenhaver-QU) 9545 0800 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk w/ ments of Yeltsin/Gorbachev, poor (222 10/9 Findlater-CA) 9640 2332 RM: EE: ID, classical mx pgm (323 9/23 Bellovich-FL) 9655 1303 RM: EE: wld nx, "Mailbag" @ 1311 w/ Karl Yegorov (242 9/25 Westenhaver-QU) 9665 2348 RU: GG: W anmt w/ "R. Ukraina International" ID, cmtry on democratization in Ukraine, news magazine pgm "Blick in der Ukraina" (343 9/11 Westenhaver-QU) 9665 2200 RU: EE: nx on Tartars in Crimea, "Ukrainian Diary" (444 10/6 Pasquale-PA) 9685 2046 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: one of their AWFUL hymns in JJ w/ EE translation of words, RMWS @ 2100 (343 9/15 Westenhaver-QU) 9685 0005 RM: FF: M nx, ID, tlk abt fall in value of ruble (344 9/27 Westenhaver-QU) 9685 0500 RM: EE: ID, W nx on situation in Bosnia (222 10/10 Findlater-CA) 9685 0100 RU: EE: ID, nx abt Ukraine, listeners letters, time/freq sked (333 10/10 Findlater-CA) 9715 1800 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk w/ ments of Bush & Perot (333 10/9 Findlater-CA) 9725 0200 RM: EE: ID, W nx - Willie Brandt dies, M/W cmtry on Georgia / Russian arms dispute (222 10/9 Findlater-CA) 9740 *2200 R. Beijing: EE: IS, ID & s/on routine, M wld nx (242 9/4 Westenhaver-QU) 9785 2200 RU: Ukrainian: IS to 2201, anthem, M/W opening anmt w/ freqs, M nx, very weak w/ splash de RFI on 9790, || 9665/9820 (222 9/15 Westenhaver-QU) 9880 2015 RM: EE: "New Market" - tlk abt poor economic situation (333 9/27 Westenhaver-QU) 9885 0800 RM: EE: ID, W ancr w/ hour long operatic pgm before live audience + running cmtry on each selection (333 9/22 Findlater-CA) 11630 2200 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx, ments of Washington/Israel, poor (222 9/21 Findlater-CA) 11690 2300 RM: SS: ID, M/W nx on Peru/Fujimori (222 9/22 Findlater-CA) 11700 2258 RM: PP: fill mx, ID/anmt, IS to 2300, then back w/ ID & "Moscow Nights", M nx (232 9/23 Westenhaver-QU) 11750 0004 RM: EE: M wld nx, "New Market" @ 0011 (232 9/20 Westenhaver-QU) 11770 0600 RM: EE: ID, W reading story by Chekov (444 10/4 Findlater-CA) 11775 1900 RM: RR: ID, M nx on France & Azerbaijan (333 9/21 Findlater-CA) 11790 2058 RM: EE: end-of-hour routine, W wld nx @ 2100, "Focus on Asia & the Pacific", || 11675/11750/12060/12070 (344 9/23 Westenhaver-QU) (Millard-TX) 11850 2030 R. Rezonas: RR: W long tlk, RR pop mx & M ancr, ID @ 2045 (242 8/29 Owsley-CA) 11875 1900 RM: RR: IS, ID, M/W long dialog, M nx @ 2000 (222 10/3 Findlater-CA) 11880 1900 R. Galaxy: EE: ID - "coming to you from Moscow", ancr w/ pop & rock mx + pitches for business & investment in Russia (222 7/23 Findlater-CA) (Nice one John. -ed) 11900 0900 RM: EE: ID, M nx - Maastricht treaty vote (222 9/20 Findlater-CA) 11915 0700 RM: EE: ID, W nx, vocal mx pgm, 0800* (333 9/14 Findlater-CA) 11980 0430 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: ID, freq anmt, M preaching, W nx @ 0500 (222 9/14 Findlater-CA) 11990 2200 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx on Bosnia (222 9/18 Findlater-CA) 11995 1417 RM: EE: nx on Tajikistan fighting, "News & Views", "Russian by Radio" (343 9/6 Sampson-WI) 12000 *0530 RM: RR: abrupt s/on w/ IS, ID, M tlk, nx @ 0600 (222 10/10 Findlater-CA) 12050 *2030 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: ID, W religious gospel sermon in broken EE (Japanese accent), for info write to 381 Hitoana, Fujinomiya-Shizuoka 418, Japan (333 10/9 Findlater-CA) 12060 0000 RU: EE: ID, nx in brief, W cmtry re. farming in Ukraine, M w/ business investment opportunities (222 9/16 Findlater-CA) (Westenhaver-QU) 12060 2303 RM: FF: M nx, ID @ 2311, rpt on steep price rises for energy in Russia, QSB (343 9/23 Westenhaver-QU) 12060 2045 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: terrible sounding hymn sung in JJ w/ EE translation afterwards, || 11675/9640 (444 9/18 Bellovich-FL) 12070 2220 RM: EE: "Moscow Mailbag" (454 9/20 Fraser-MA) (D'Angelo-PA) 13775 0054 RM: EE: piano mx, ID/mb end-of-hour routine, wld nx @ 0100 (242 9/16 Westenhaver-QU) (Findlater-CA) 15135 1700 RU: GG: IS, ID, freq sked (353 8/27 Lukas-NY) 15155 0335 R. Ala: RR: M tlk w/ ID, acoustic guitar & vocals (fr 9/23 Famularo-JP) 15225 1252 RM: EE: pop mx, ID @ 1300 and nx by Karl Yegorov (243 9/11 Westenhaver-QU) 15280 1303 RM: FF: M wld nx, mx bridge, ID @ 1311 (243 9/22 Westenhaver-QU) 15375 1636 RM: EE: interview w/ American business rep. living in Moscow (333 9/21 Kyburz-CO) 15425 1905 RM: EE: nx, "Update" w/ items from Russian press (544 10/5 Blair-CA) (Bagozzi-CA) (Bellovich-FL) 15510 0434 RM: FF: jazz song, ID & tlk abt World Bank, || 15475/15520/15535 (243 9/25 Westenhaver-QU) 15550 1800 RM: EE: ID, M/W nx on Peru, Pakistan floods (222 9/15 Findlater-CA) 15570 2100 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk (222 10/3 Findlater-CA) 15570 0500 RU: Ukrainian: IS, ID routine w/ anthem & freq, M nx (242 9/25 Westenhaver-QU) 15580 1206 RM: Indonesian: M nx ending w/ "R. Moscowaa siaran Indonesia" ID, mx bridge, M hosting current affairs show (343 9/30 Westenhaver-QU) 17560 0039 RM: EE: ID, classical mx, || 17890 (142 9/16 Westenhaver-QU) (Findlater-CA) (Wolfson-OH) (Owsley-CA) 17590 0211 RM: EE: pgm on relations w/ republics (242 9/1 Babin-MA) 17600 0220 RM: FF: mx, then ID (232 9/1 Babin-MA) 17605 0000 RU: EE: piano IS, M ID, into tlk on wld recognition of Ukraine (354 9/13 Owsley-CA) 17645 1140 RM: EE: "Jazz Show", || 17660/17675/17830 (242 9/24 Westenhaver-QU) 17660 1233 RM: FF: weekly pgm "Moscou-Paris" on 50th anniversary of Normandy-Niemen regiment (343 9/12 Westenhaver-QU) 17690 0035 RU: EE: piece abt BBC's Ukrainian service (343 9/16 Westenhaver-QU) 17740 0055 RM: EE: pop mx, then ID @ 0055 (322 9/1 Babin-MA) 17770 *0530 RM: EE: s/on in middle of nx followed by exotic classical mx (333 10/2 Findlater-CA) 17810 1200 RU: Ukrainian: IS, s/on routine, M/W nx (333 9/24 Westenhaver-QU) 17830 1318 RM: EE: "Science & Engineering" - new civilian airliner (544 9/13 Fraser-MA) 17860 0059 RM: EE: "Moscow Nights", ID/nx , "Update" @ 0111 (242 9/26 Westenhaver-QU) 17890 2335 RM: EE: concert of Russian classical mx, nx @ 0000 (242 9/26 Westenhaver-QU) (Bellovich-FL) (Kyburz-CO) 21490 0030 RM: EE: nx in brief, "Folk Box", || 21690/21655 (242 9/28 Westenhaver-QU) 21490 1830 R. Alma Ata: EE: W ID - "You are tuned to R. Alma Ata", sked, into mx pgm (222 9/26 Fisher-MA) 21505 0135 RM: EE: ID, DJ w/ lots of african mx (131 9/1 Babin-MA) 21580 *1300 RU: Ukrainian: IS, anmt w/ "R. Ukraina" ID, anthem, M/W freqs, W pgm preview, M nx (343 9/20 Westenhaver-QU) 21630 1212 RM: EE: "News & Views" w/ cmtry on failed no-confidence motion in Russian parliament, nx briefs (333 9/27 Westenhaver-QU) 21655 2300 RM: EE: IS, ID, M nx - voters approve European treaty (222 9/21 Findlater-CA) 21685 1100 RU: Ukrainian: IS, W ID, into pgm of pop ballads (242 9/24 Westenhaver-QU) 21730 1048 RM: Urdu/Hindi: M/W tlk w/ ments of "technology", ID/closing anmt, IS to 1100, s/on in Hindi w/ ID & M nx (343 9/27 Westenhaver-QU) 21740 0150 RM: EE: nx & RM ID (343 9/1 Babin-MA) 21785 1047 RM: EE: pgm of Russian folk songs, QSB (242 9/27 Westenhaver-QU) 21840 0800 RM: EE: ID, W nx, "Update" (333 10/7 Findlater-CA) Schedules Radiostansiya Nadezhda 1400-1700: 9490, 11765, 11800, 15340, 17675 1900-2200: 7280, 15340 [Euronews via USEnet] Bob Fraser received the following letter from R. Moscow answering some questions he asked for Moscow Mailbag, which he was kind enough to forward to me. Dear Mr. Fraser, Unfortunately, our postal service is not working as it should. Many letters get lost. As for renaming our station, this is so far only a rumor. Let's wait and see. We have not asked for any refunding for return postage. It is paid for by the budget. I'm sure we will continue broadcasting for years to come. Thank you for your good wishes. Yours, Joe Adamov (signed) And so ends my 60th column! Hard to believe I have been editing this column for 5 years now. Thanks again to all my contributors and happy Thanksgiving. -Jason