From Mon Mar 29 14:08:13 1993 Received: from by with SMTP id AA17460 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 29 Mar 1993 14:08:07 +0300 Message-Id: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 02:40:00 PST From: "VMSSERV Mail Server" Subject: U9012.TXT To: "rko" Status: OR USSR Radio Moscow Radio Kiev Radio Tashkent Radio Vilnius Radio Yerevan Radio Station Peace and Progress 4485 0824 R. Petropavlovsk-Petropavlovsk (PWBR): RR: M tlk, ment of Petropavlovsk (444 9/24 Findlater-CA) 4760t 2130 RM (DS2): RR: western rockabilly mx, M tlk in pres. RR, no ID heard (222 10/31 Thornton-NJ) (Possibly the 4765 Cuban relay off freq., but I kinda doubt it due to the SIO. -ed) 4795 2200 RSP&P: EE: IS, ID by M, nx on Gulf, domestic nx (222 11/6 Cichorek-NJ) (322 11/6 Thornton-NJ) (Psychic! -ed) 4940 2140 RK-Kiev (PWBR): RR: classical & opera mx, ID "Govorit Kyyiv" (232 10/31 Thornton-NJ) 4975 1815 R. Dushanbe-Dushanbe (PWBR): Tadzhik?: M tlk in unfamiliar lang., btw piano & lite class. mx, sub-continent mx, brief W tlk (fr 11/2 Famularo-JP) 5940 0640 R. Magadan-Magadan (ILG): RR: M/W tlk (444 10/30 Owsley-CA) 5945t 1310 RT: Hindi?: local string mx & operatic vocals, brief W anmt before different stn came on (w/o IS or ID) @ 1330 (pr 10/15 Famularo-JP) 7110u 1221 RM: JJ: W ID, soviet culture pgm (333 10/17 Matsushita-JP) 7150 0600 RM: EE: IS, ID, W nx (444 10/31 Findlater-CA) 7200 0800 R. Yakutsk-Yakutsk (ILG): RR: church bell on the hour, M/W tlk, || 7210 (444 9/26 Findlater-CA) 7240 2045 RM: EE: discussion abt russian criminal justice system (322 11/3 Thornton-NJ) 7345 1538 RM: EE: pgm of children's songs, ID @ 1557 (333 11/6 Carson-OK) 7370 1550 RM-Khabarovsk (PWBR): EE: "The Folk Box" pgm (343 10/14 Flynn-CA) 7400 2315 RV: EE: "Listener's Letters" pgm, || 9750, 15180, 17690, 17720 (443 11/8 Colyard-NJ) 9505 1750 RM: RR: IS, M tlk, station unknown - believe this to be from Alma Ata, 1800*, s/on again @ 1830 w/ M/W tlk, same station? (333 9/24 Findlater-CA) (Any ideas? -ed) 9530 0203 RM: EE: nx items, cmtry on the Persian Gulf & Angola (444 10/19 Levison-PA) 9560 0500 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (333 10/20 Findlater-CA) 9575 0618 RM (DS2)-Irkutsk (ILG): RR: RR pop mx & folk songs, W ancr btw selections, QRM (pr 10/27 Famularo-JP) 9620 0630 RM-Irkutsk (ILG): RR: IS, ID, M w/ phone interview (444 10/28 Findlater-CA) 9655 1800 RM: EE: ID, W nx, "News & Views" (555 9/30 Findlater-CA) 9715 1205 RT-Tashkent (ILG): EE: nx, ID "you're listening to the news from Tashkent", || 17740 (353 10/16 Rocker-FL) 9735 2100 RM-Armavir?: EE: nx, "News & Views", co-chan. QRM de AA stn (Oman?) (333 10/13 Rocker-FL) 9745 0320 RM: SS: ID, M/W tlk (444 9/23 Findlater-CA) 9750 0030 RK: EE: "Hello from Kiev" ID (433 11/9 Colyard-NJ) 9760 2330 RV: EE: W/M wld nx (444 10/25 Langlois-FL) 9765 2327 RV: EE: s/off w/ sked, address, phone # (444 10/16 Gaharan-LA) (Findlater-CA) 9765 0500 RM: EE: ID, W nx (444 10/20 Findlater-CA) 9780 0800 RM: RR: church bell, ID, W tlk, || 11815 (555 9/25 Findlater-CA) 9810 0615 RM: RR: M & boy in RR play (ID? -ed) (444 10/30 Owsley-CA) (Findlater-CA) 9845 0900 RM: CC: IS, ID, M/W tlk w/ mx interludes (444 9/29 Findlater-CA) 9855 1800 RM: EE: ID, W nx (333 9/26 Findlater-CA) 11690 *1830 RM: RR: IS, M/W tlk (555 9/23 Findlater-CA) 11775 2300 RM: CC: IS, ID, M/W tlk (444 10/3 Findlater-CA) 11815 0757 RM-Khabarovsk (ILG): RR: IS, bells, M/W w/ telephone call in program, M/W more tlk @ 0800 (555 9/24 Findlater-CA) 11840 0815 RM: RR: M tlk w/ short mx interludes, ment. Gorbachev & Yeltsin (444 9/28 Findlater-CA) 11860 2300 RM: RR: IS, ID, M/W tlk (333 10/17 Findlater-CA) 11870 0900 RM-Khabarovsk (ILG): CC: W tlk + classical mx (555 9/23 Findlater-CA) 11880 2050 RM: SS: ID, M/W tlk (444 10/1 Findlater-CA) 11915 0700 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (333 10/21 Findlater-CA) 11920 0350 RM: SS: M tlk, IS & ID @ 0400 (444 9/28 Findlater-CA) 11930 2313 RM: EE: "Moscow Mailbag" (444 10/13 Carson-OK) (Findlater-CA) 11960 2100 RM: SS: ID, M tlk, || 11850 (222 10/20 Findlater-CA) 11980 2201 RSP&P-Kharkov (ILG): EE: nx round up, cmtry, review of soviet press (344 10/19 Carson-OK) (333 10/19 Findlater-CA) (Psychic again! -ed) 11995 1750 RM-Petropavlovsk (ILG): EE: ID, Baltic choral singers from soviet republics, 2000* (555 9/28 Findlater-CA) 12010 2000 RM: EE: ID, W nx, "Update" (555 10/1 Findlater-CA) 12030 0100 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx (333 10/3 Findlater-CA) 12060 2340 RM-Vinnitsa (ILG): SS: ID, M/W tlk, || 12070 (555 10/2 Findlater-CA) 13605 2040 RM-Petropavlovsk (ILG): EE: ID, "What's the Right Word" russian language lesson (555 9/30 Findlater-CA) 15125 0600 RM-Zhigulevsk (ILG): RR: IS, M/W tlk, classical mx (333 9/21 Findlater-CA) 15145 2000 RM: EE: ID, M/W nx, cmtry on promoting private investment in USSR (555 10/26 Findlater-CA) 15155 0900 RM-Kazan (ILG): EE: wld nx, "News & Views" (444 10/28 Carson-OK) 15180 0431 RM: EE: "Vasily's Weekend", wld nx @ 0500 (444 10/14 Carson-OK) 15180 2215 RV-Komsomolsk (PWBR): EE: "Sports Roundup" (354 10/25 Flynn-CA) 15230 0310 RM-Moscow (ILG): EE: ID, M nx (333 9/24 Findlater-CA) 15285 2300 RM: EE: M w/ "Moscow Mailbag" (444 10/7 Langlois-FL) 15355 0045 RM: EE: IS, ID, W relating story of struggles of a russian doctor, 0100*, || 15290 (444 10/18 Findlater-CA) 15375 1915 RM: EE: ID, W interview w/ scientist on worldwide earthquakes (444 10/18 Findlater-CA) 15425 0510 RM-Petropavlovsk (ILG): EE: nx on immigration laws and change to market economy in USSR, "Outlook" (444 10/20 Scott-CA) (Findlater-CA) 15435 0400 RM: CC: IS, ID, M/W tlk (444 10/27 Findlater-CA) 15470t *1930 RM: RR: continuous classical mx (555 10/1 Findlater-CA) 15500 0000 RM: CC: IS, ID, M tlk (555 10/19 Findlater-CA) 15550 0430 RM-Zhigulevsk (ILG): EE: ID, M discussion of world radio stations (333 9/24 Findlater-CA) 15560 2020 RM-Chita (ILG): EE: ID, M tlk on problems w/ Balkan republics (444 9/23 Findlater-CA) 15580 2030 RM-Petropavlovsk (ILG): EE: ID, W nx (444 10/25 Findlater-CA) 17570 0605 RM: EE: M tlk on German reunification (333 10/30 Owsley-CA) (Findlater-CA) 17585 1750 RM: EE: feature on spanish banks in the USSR (444 10/26 Johnson-IL) (Fraser-MA) 17600 0230 RM-Dushanbe (ILG): EE: ID, W discussion of russian classical composers, mx samples of works, || 21585, 21690 (555 9/29 Findlater-CA) 17605 0100 RM-Petropavlovsk (ILG): EE: W tlk on Gorbachev rpt of difficulties in USSR (444 11/3 Valentine-CA) (Rocker-FL) (Findlater-CA) 17620 0258 RM-Orenberg (ILG): EE: IS, ID, M nx @ 0300 (444 9/29 Findlater-CA) 17625 *0430 RM-Yerevan (ILG): EE: ID, M nx (444 9/24 Findlater-CA) 17650 0700 RM: FF: ID, M nx (444 10/4 Findlater-CA) 17665 2200 RK-Petropavlovsk (ILG): Ukrainian: IS, s/on ID into nx (333 10/16 Carson-OK) (Valentine-CA) 17690 2200 Yakut R.: RR: unfamiliar IS, ID "Govorit Yakutsk", into RR tlk, very fluttery signal (253 10/11 Rocker-FL) (This one isn't listed in any of my references. -ed) 17700 0100 RM: EE: M ID, nx on meeting in Moscow (444 11/3 Valentine-CA) 17740 1210 RT-Tashkent (ILG): EE: ID, info abt listeners club, mx requests (333 10/28 Cichorek-NJ) 17840 0030 RM: EE: M tlk on criticism of social and economic conditions (433 11/3 Valentine-CA) (Findlater-CA) 17850 0611 RM: EE: M w/ nx on soviet space pgm (444 10/30 Owsley-CA) (Findlater-CA) 17860 0105 RM-Chita (ILG): EE: wld nx, || 17890 (353 10/17 Rocker-FL) (Findlater-CA) 17890 0400 RM-Irkutsk (ILG): EE: ID, M nx (555 10/3 Findlater-CA) 21465 1800 RM-Yevpatoriya (ILG): AA: ID, M tlk, 1900* (444 10/2 Findlater-CA) 21480 0150 RM: EE: ID, M update on Chernobyl disaster (444 9/24 Findlater-CA) 21515 0415 RM-Frunze (ILG): CC: IS, M tlk + vocal mx, weak (222 10/2 Findlater-CA) 21585 0200 RM: EE: ID, M nx, || 21690, 17600 (555 9/29 Findlater-CA) 21615 0415 RM-Tashkent (ILG): RR: IS, M tlk, very weak (222 10/2 Findlater-CA) 21740 1820 RM: EE: ID, M cmtry on German reunification (444 10/2 Findlater-CA) 21800 1250 RM-Yevpatoriya (ILG): EE: classical mx, ID @ 1259, into FF svc @ 1300 (343 10/13 Rocker-FL) 25720 1345 RM: EE: pgm of musical selections by Sergei Rachmaninov (121 11/1 Colyard-NJ) Relays Plovdiv, Bulgaria: 7115, 11790, 15290 Havana, Cuba: 4765, 9600 Schedules Foreign Service Relays via USSR R. Vientiane, Laos: 1100-1130 (FF): 11870, 15190 R. Afghanistan: 1800-2000 (GG, EE, FF): 6020, 7215 (9635 via Afghanistan) R. Havana, Cuba: 2100-2300 (FF, EE): 7215, 11715 D90 SSR Frequency Sked to NA for Kiev, Vilnius, etc. 2300-0400: 7400, 9750, 9800, 15180, 17690, 17720 [Al Quaglieri via ANARC BBS] As you can see from the sparse amount of site ID's, the new ILG has not arrived yet. If you haven't already done so, please fill out the SPEEDX membership poll found in the center of the November issue and return it to HQ. The survey will help determine the future direction of SPEEDX. Not much more time for chat, as I am already late finishing up this column due to my move. Thanks again for your support of this column and see you in 1991! -Jason