S U N D A Y S N I P P E T S (tm) # 9 7 13 April '97 Loving God Supremely: Tozer ---------------------------- Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free. If we understand our first and sole duty to consist of loving God supremely and loving everyone, even our enemies, for God's dear sake, then we can enjoy spiritual tranquility under every circumstance. - The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer (d. 1963) "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also...Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness..." - Jesus Christ (Matt. 6:21,33a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name "Sunday Snippets" is the trademark of G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed - forward to a friend. The Sunday Snippets archive is found at webpage http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ab531/Profile.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip97-097.txt .