S U N D A Y S N I P P E T S (tm) # 3 2 25 June 1995 A Commentary on Ecclesiastes (3:6) by Charles Bridges A companion volume to his Commentary on Proverbs, Bridge's Ecclesiastes Commentary opens up this more difficult book to the mind and heart of the reader. It too is a commentary in devotional form. I provide the commentary on verse 3:6 for this week's Snippet. You may wish to peruse Eccles. 3:1-14 to gain the fuller Bible context of this verse. "A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away." ...Look around us. We see men with their whole heart in their business. Industry is successful. Money flows in. Here is the time to get - and for a while at least - a time to keep. But the Providence of God has fixed a time to lose. We look again - The tide has turned. Speculation, or untoward circumstances, have given "wings to riches, and they have flown away." Many a fortune, gotten by inheritance, has been cast away by reckless extravagance. Such is the uncertainty of a worldly portion! How shadowy - how delusive - utterly without rest! There are times also, when we may be called to cast away what we may have kept. A shipwreck (Jonah; Acts 27:38) may demand the sacrifice. The cross of Christ may require it. The early Christians were called to a sharp exercise of their confidence, "taking joyfully the spoiling of their goods; knowing in themselves, that they had a better and an enduring substance." But sacrifices for Christ bring no repentance [no regret]. The grand object swallows up all the cost, as not to be counted of. Abundant compensation is secured...Here then is a treasure [eternal life], which there is a time to get - blessed be God - there is _no_ time to lose. The good part, once chosen, shall never be taken away (cf. Luke 10:42). All the malice and power of hell is stirred to rob us of it. But a double security holds it fast. It is "reserved in heaven for us." We [believers] are "kept on earth for it." (1 Pet. 1:4-5) The security is no less firm for the heirs, than for the inheritance. Whatever, therefore, else we may lose, let Christ be our heart's treasure, and we are safe for eternity. - from _A Commentary on Ecclesiastes_, by Charles Bridges. Reprinted 1981 by The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh. [brackets mine]. Also avail. by Bridges: Exposition on Psalm 119, and _Christian Ministry_. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sunday Snippets" is the trademark of G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed - Please forward to a friend. Sunday Snippets are posted weekly on Newsgroups like Soc.Religion.Christian and this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Geneva Study Bible (NKJV) has recently been released. Contributors include J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, Roger Nicole, and James Boice. -------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip95-32.txt .