file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip94-08.txt -------------------------------------------------------- Sunday Snippets # 8 ------------------- An Example of Hope in a Harsh Prison [Russian dissident author Alexander] Solzhenitsyn made the comment [that] he wasn't able, really, to resist the torment of the Gulag until he abandoned all hope of surviving. As long as he had hope of surviving, [he said], he was at the mercy of his captors. But when he abandoned hope of surviving, and said that "The one thing the can't take away from me is my soul", and he was able to say, "Whether I live or whether I die, if I never walk out of here, if I never taste freedom again, I have a relationship with God that no mortal can steal from me", then, he was able to stand. - excerpt from a 1991 sermon by Dr. R.C. Sproul [brackets mine]