patch-2.4.3 linux/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/hubmd.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.2/linux/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/hubmd.h linux/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/hubmd.h
@@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@
  * corresponds to the valid bit, and bit 1 of each two-bit field        *
  * corresponds to the overrun bit.                                      *
  * The rule for the valid bit is that it gets set whenever that error   *
- * occurs, regardless of whether a higher priority error has occured.   *
+ * occurs, regardless of whether a higher priority error has occurred.   *
  * The rule for the overrun bit is that it gets set whenever we are     *
  * unable to record the address information for this particular         *
  * error, due to a previous error of the same or higher priority.       *
@@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@
  * corresponds to the valid bit, and bit 1 of each two-bit field        *
  * corresponds to the overrun bit.                                      *
  * The rule for the valid bit is that it gets set whenever that error   *
- * occurs, regardless of whether a higher priority error has occured.   *
+ * occurs, regardless of whether a higher priority error has occurred.  *
  * The rule for the overrun bit is that it gets set whenever we are     *
  * unable to record the address information for this particular         *
  * error, due to a previous error of the same or higher priority.       *

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: