patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/drivers/net/e100/e100_eeprom.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/drivers/net/e100/e100_eeprom.c linux-2.4.20/drivers/net/e100/e100_eeprom.c
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2002 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
+  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
+  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) 
+  any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
+  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
+  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for 
+  more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 
+  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the
+  file called LICENSE.
+  Contact Information:
+  Linux NICS <>
+  Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
+*                                                                     *
+* INTEL CORPORATION                                                   *
+*                                                                     *
+* This software is supplied under the terms of the license included   *
+* above.  All use of this driver must be in accordance with the terms *
+* of that license.                                                    *
+*                                                                     *
+* Module Name:  e100_eeprom.c                                         *
+*                                                                     *
+* Abstract:     This module contains routines to read and write to a  *
+*               serial EEPROM                                         *
+*                                                                     *
+* Environment:  This file is intended to be specific to the Linux     *
+*               operating system.                                     *
+*                                                                     *
+#include "e100.h"
+#define CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(bdp) ((bdp)->scb->scb_eprm_cntrl)
+	           ((bdp)->scb->scb_ext.d102_scb.scb_gen_ctrl2)
+#define EEPROM_CHECKSUM		((u16) 0xBABA)
+void e100_eeprom_cleanup(struct e100_private *adapter);
+u16 e100_eeprom_calculate_chksum(struct e100_private *adapter);
+static void e100_eeprom_write_word(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 reg,
+				   u16 data);
+void e100_eeprom_write_block(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 start, u16 *data,
+			     u16 size);
+u16 e100_eeprom_size(struct e100_private *adapter);
+u16 e100_eeprom_read(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 reg);
+static void shift_out_bits(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 data, u16 count);
+static u16 shift_in_bits(struct e100_private *adapter);
+static void raise_clock(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 *x);
+static void lower_clock(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 *x);
+static u16 eeprom_wait_cmd_done(struct e100_private *adapter);
+static void eeprom_stand_by(struct e100_private *adapter);
+// Procedure:   eeprom_set_semaphore
+// Description: This function set (write 1) Gamla EEPROM semaphore bit (bit 23 word 0x1C in the CSR).
+// Arguments:
+//      Adapter                 - Adapter context
+// Returns:  true if success
+//           else return false 
+inline u8
+eeprom_set_semaphore(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 data = 0;
+	unsigned long expiration_time = jiffies + HZ / 100 + 1;
+	do {
+		// Get current value of General Control 2
+		data = readb(&CSR_GENERAL_CONTROL2_FIELD(adapter));
+		// Set bit 23 word 0x1C in the CSR.
+		writeb(data, &CSR_GENERAL_CONTROL2_FIELD(adapter));
+		// Check to see if this bit set or not.
+		data = readb(&CSR_GENERAL_CONTROL2_FIELD(adapter));
+			return true;
+		}
+		if (time_before(jiffies, expiration_time))
+			yield();
+		else
+			return false;
+	} while (true);
+// Procedure:   eeprom_reset_semaphore
+// Description: This function reset (write 0) Gamla EEPROM semaphore bit 
+//              (bit 23 word 0x1C in the CSR).
+// Arguments:  struct e100_private * adapter - Adapter context
+inline void
+eeprom_reset_semaphore(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 data = 0;
+	data = readb(&CSR_GENERAL_CONTROL2_FIELD(adapter));
+	writeb(data, &CSR_GENERAL_CONTROL2_FIELD(adapter));
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_size
+// Description: This routine determines the size of the EEPROM.  This value should be
+//              checked for validity - ie. is it too big or too small.  The size returned
+//              is then passed to the read/write functions.
+// Returns:
+//      Size of the eeprom, or zero if an error occured
+e100_eeprom_size(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 x, size = 1;	// must be one to accumulate a product
+	// if we've already stored this data, read from memory
+	if (adapter->eeprom_size) {
+		return adapter->eeprom_size;
+	}
+	// otherwise, read from the eeprom
+	// Set EEPROM semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		if (!eeprom_set_semaphore(adapter))
+			return 0;
+	}
+	// enable the eeprom by setting EECS.
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EEDI | EEDO | EESK);
+	x |= EECS;
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	// write the read opcode
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, EEPROM_READ_OPCODE, 3);
+	// experiment to discover the size of the eeprom.  request register zero
+	// and wait for the eeprom to tell us it has accepted the entire address.
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	do {
+		size *= 2;	// each bit of address doubles eeprom size
+		x |= EEDO;	// set bit to detect "dummy zero"
+		x &= ~EEDI;	// address consists of all zeros
+		writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+		readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status));
+		raise_clock(adapter, &x);
+		lower_clock(adapter, &x);
+		// check for "dummy zero"
+		x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+		if (size > EEPROM_MAX_WORD_SIZE) {
+			size = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	} while (x & EEDO);
+	// read in the value requested
+	(void) shift_in_bits(adapter);
+	e100_eeprom_cleanup(adapter);
+	// Clear EEPROM Semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		eeprom_reset_semaphore(adapter);
+	}
+	return size;
+// Procedure:   eeprom_address_size
+// Description: determines the number of bits in an address for the eeprom acceptable
+//              values are 64, 128, and 256
+// Arguments: size of the eeprom
+// Returns: bits in an address for that size eeprom
+static inline int
+eeprom_address_size(u16 size)
+	int isize = size;
+	return (ffs(isize) - 1);
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_read
+// Description: This routine serially reads one word out of the EEPROM.
+// Arguments:
+//      adapter - our adapter context
+//      reg - EEPROM word to read.
+// Returns:
+//      Contents of EEPROM word (reg).
+e100_eeprom_read(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 reg)
+	u16 x, data, bits;
+	// Set EEPROM semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		if (!eeprom_set_semaphore(adapter))
+			return 0;
+	}
+	// eeprom size is initialized to zero
+	if (!adapter->eeprom_size)
+		adapter->eeprom_size = e100_eeprom_size(adapter);
+	bits = eeprom_address_size(adapter->eeprom_size);
+	// select EEPROM, reset bits, set EECS
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EEDI | EEDO | EESK);
+	x |= EECS;
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	// write the read opcode and register number in that order
+	// The opcode is 3bits in length, reg is 'bits' bits long
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, EEPROM_READ_OPCODE, 3);
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, reg, bits);
+	// Now read the data (16 bits) in from the selected EEPROM word
+	data = shift_in_bits(adapter);
+	e100_eeprom_cleanup(adapter);
+	// Clear EEPROM Semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		eeprom_reset_semaphore(adapter);
+	}
+	return data;
+// Procedure:   shift_out_bits
+// Description: This routine shifts data bits out to the EEPROM.
+// Arguments:
+//      data - data to send to the EEPROM.
+//      count - number of data bits to shift out.
+// Returns: (none)
+static void
+shift_out_bits(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 data, u16 count)
+	u16 x, mask;
+	mask = 1 << (count - 1);
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EEDO | EEDI);
+	do {
+		x &= ~EEDI;
+		if (data & mask)
+			x |= EEDI;
+		writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+		readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */
+		raise_clock(adapter, &x);
+		lower_clock(adapter, &x);
+		mask = mask >> 1;
+	} while (mask);
+	x &= ~EEDI;
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+// Procedure:   raise_clock
+// Description: This routine raises the EEPROM's clock input (EESK)
+// Arguments:
+//      x - Ptr to the EEPROM control register's current value
+// Returns: (none)
+raise_clock(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 *x)
+	*x = *x | EESK;
+	writew(*x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */
+// Procedure:   lower_clock
+// Description: This routine lower's the EEPROM's clock input (EESK)
+// Arguments:
+//      x - Ptr to the EEPROM control register's current value
+// Returns: (none)
+lower_clock(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 *x)
+	*x = *x & ~EESK;
+	writew(*x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */
+// Procedure:   shift_in_bits
+// Description: This routine shifts data bits in from the EEPROM.
+// Arguments:
+// Returns:
+//      The contents of that particular EEPROM word
+static u16
+shift_in_bits(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 x, d, i;
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EEDO | EEDI);
+	d = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+		d <<= 1;
+		raise_clock(adapter, &x);
+		x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+		x &= ~EEDI;
+		if (x & EEDO)
+			d |= 1;
+		lower_clock(adapter, &x);
+	}
+	return d;
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_cleanup
+// Description: This routine returns the EEPROM to an idle state
+e100_eeprom_cleanup(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 x;
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EECS | EEDI);
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	raise_clock(adapter, &x);
+	lower_clock(adapter, &x);
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_update_chksum
+// Description: Calculates the checksum and writes it to the EEProm. 
+//              It calculates the checksum accroding to the formula: 
+//                              Checksum = 0xBABA - (sum of first 63 words).
+e100_eeprom_calculate_chksum(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 idx, xsum_index, checksum = 0;
+	// eeprom size is initialized to zero
+	if (!adapter->eeprom_size)
+		adapter->eeprom_size = e100_eeprom_size(adapter);
+	xsum_index = adapter->eeprom_size - 1;
+	for (idx = 0; idx < xsum_index; idx++)
+		checksum += e100_eeprom_read(adapter, idx);
+	checksum = EEPROM_CHECKSUM - checksum;
+	return checksum;
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_write_word
+// Description: This routine writes a word to a specific EEPROM location without.
+//              taking EEPROM semaphore and updating checksum. 
+//              Use e100_eeprom_write_block for the EEPROM update
+// Arguments: reg - The EEPROM word that we are going to write to.
+//            data - The data (word) that we are going to write to the EEPROM.
+static void
+e100_eeprom_write_word(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 reg, u16 data)
+	u16 x;
+	u16 bits;
+	bits = eeprom_address_size(adapter->eeprom_size);
+	/* select EEPROM, mask off ASIC and reset bits, set EECS */
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EEDI | EEDO | EESK);
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */
+	x |= EECS;
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, EEPROM_EWEN_OPCODE, 5);
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, reg, (u16) (bits - 2));
+	if (!eeprom_wait_cmd_done(adapter))
+		return;
+	/* write the new word to the EEPROM & send the write opcode the EEPORM */
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE, 3);
+	/* select which word in the EEPROM that we are writing to */
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, reg, bits);
+	/* write the data to the selected EEPROM word */
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, data, 16);
+	if (!eeprom_wait_cmd_done(adapter))
+		return;
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, EEPROM_EWDS_OPCODE, 5);
+	shift_out_bits(adapter, reg, (u16) (bits - 2));
+	if (!eeprom_wait_cmd_done(adapter))
+		return;
+	e100_eeprom_cleanup(adapter);
+// Procedure:   e100_eeprom_write_block
+// Description: This routine writes a block of words starting from specified EEPROM 
+//              location and updates checksum
+// Arguments: reg - The EEPROM word that we are going to write to.
+//            data - The data (word) that we are going to write to the EEPROM.
+e100_eeprom_write_block(struct e100_private *adapter, u16 start, u16 *data,
+			u16 size)
+	u16 checksum;
+	u16 i;
+	if (!adapter->eeprom_size)
+		adapter->eeprom_size = e100_eeprom_size(adapter);
+	// Set EEPROM semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		if (!eeprom_set_semaphore(adapter))
+			return;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		e100_eeprom_write_word(adapter, start + i, data[i]);
+	}
+	//Update checksum
+	checksum = e100_eeprom_calculate_chksum(adapter);
+	e100_eeprom_write_word(adapter, (adapter->eeprom_size - 1), checksum);
+	// Clear EEPROM Semaphore.
+	if (adapter->rev_id >= D102_REV_ID) {
+		eeprom_reset_semaphore(adapter);
+	}
+// Procedure:   eeprom_wait_cmd_done
+// Description: This routine waits for the the EEPROM to finish its command.  
+//                              Specifically, it waits for EEDO (data out) to go high.
+// Returns:     true - If the command finished
+//              false - If the command never finished (EEDO stayed low)
+static u16
+eeprom_wait_cmd_done(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 x;
+	unsigned long expiration_time = jiffies + HZ / 100 + 1;
+	eeprom_stand_by(adapter);
+	do {
+		rmb();
+		x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+		if (x & EEDO)
+			return true;
+		if (time_before(jiffies, expiration_time))
+			yield();
+		else
+			return false;
+	} while (true);
+// Procedure:   eeprom_stand_by
+// Description: This routine lowers the EEPROM chip select (EECS) for a few microseconds.
+static void
+eeprom_stand_by(struct e100_private *adapter)
+	u16 x;
+	x = readw(&CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	x &= ~(EECS | EESK);
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */
+	x |= EECS;
+	writew(x, &CSR_EEPROM_CONTROL_FIELD(adapter));
+	readw(&(adapter->scb->scb_status)); /* flush command to card */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: