patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/mmzone_sn1.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/mmzone_sn1.h linux-2.4.19/include/asm-ia64/sn/sn1/mmzone_sn1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_IA64_SN_MMZONE_SN1_H
+#define _ASM_IA64_SN_MMZONE_SN1_H
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+ * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+ * SGI SN1 Arch defined values
+ *
+ * 	An SN1 physical address is broken down as follows:
+ *
+ *             +-----------------------------------------+
+ *             |         |    |      |   node offset     |
+ *             | unused  | AS | node |-------------------|
+ *             |         |    |      | cn | clump offset |
+ *             +-----------------------------------------+
+ *              6       4 4  4 3    3 3  3 2            0
+ *              3       4 3  0 9    3 2  0 9            0
+ *
+ *		bits 63-44	Unused - must be zero
+ *		bits 43-40	Address space ID. Cached memory has a value of 0.
+ *				Chipset & IO addresses have non-zero values.
+ *		bits 39-33	Node number. Note that some configurations do NOT
+ *				have a node zero.
+ *		bits 32-0	Node offset.
+ *
+ *	The node offset can be further broken down as:
+ *		bits 32-30	Clump (bank) number.
+ *		bits 29-0	Clump (bank) offset.
+ *
+ *	A node consists of up to 8 clumps (banks) of memory. A clump may be empty, or may be
+ *	populated with a single contiguous block of memory starting at clump
+ *	offset 0. The size of the block is (2**n) * 64MB, where 0<n<5.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This file exports symbols prefixed with "PLAT_". Symbols prefixed with
+ *	 "SN_" are intended for internal use only and should not be used in
+ *	 any platform independent code. 
+ *
+ *	 This file is also responsible for exporting the following definitions:
+ *		cnodeid_t	Define a compact node id. 
+ */
+typedef signed short cnodeid_t;
+#define SN1_BANKS_PER_NODE		8
+#define SN1_NODE_SIZE			(8UL*1024*1024*1024)	/* 8 GB per node */
+#define SN1_NODE_SHIFT			33
+#define SN1_NODE_MASK			0x7fUL
+#define SN1_NODE_NUMBER(addr)		(((unsigned long)(addr) >> SN1_NODE_SHIFT) & SN1_NODE_MASK)
+#define SN1_NODE_CLUMP_NUMBER(addr)	(((unsigned long)(addr) >>30) & 7)
+#define SN1_NODE_OFFSET(addr)		(((unsigned long)(addr)) & SN1_NODE_OFFSET_MASK)
+#define SN1_KADDR(nasid, offset)	(((unsigned long)(nasid)<<SN1_NODE_SHIFT) | (offset) | PAGE_OFFSET)
+#define PLAT_MAX_NODE_NUMBER		128			/* Maximum node number +1 */
+#define PLAT_MAX_COMPACT_NODES		128			/* Maximum number of nodes in SSI */
+#define PLAT_MAX_PHYS_MEMORY		(1UL << 40)
+ * On the SN platforms, a clump is the same as a memory bank.
+ */
+#define PLAT_CLUMP_OFFSET(addr)		((unsigned long)(addr) & 0x3fffffffUL)
+ * PLAT_VALID_MEM_KADDR returns a boolean to indicate if a kaddr is potentially a
+ * valid cacheable identity mapped RAM memory address.
+ * Note that the RAM may or may not actually be present!!
+ */
+#define SN1_VALID_KERN_ADDR_MASK	0xffffff0000000000UL
+#define SN1_VALID_KERN_ADDR_VALUE	0xe000000000000000UL
+#define PLAT_VALID_MEM_KADDR(kaddr)	(((unsigned long)(kaddr) & SN1_VALID_KERN_ADDR_MASK) == SN1_VALID_KERN_ADDR_VALUE)
+ * Memory is conceptually divided into chunks. A chunk is either
+ * completely present, or else the kernel assumes it is completely
+ * absent. Each node consists of a number of possibly discontiguous chunks.
+ */
+#define SN1_CHUNKSHIFT			26			/* 64 MB */
+#define PLAT_CHUNKNUM(addr)		(((addr) & (PLAT_MAX_PHYS_MEMORY-1)) >> SN1_CHUNKSHIFT)
+ * Given a kaddr, find the nid (compact nodeid)
+ */
+#define DISCONBUG(kaddr)		panic("DISCONTIG BUG: line %d, %s. kaddr 0x%lx",	 	\
+						__LINE__, __FILE__, (long)(kaddr))
+#define KVADDR_TO_NID(kaddr)		({long _ktn=(long)(kaddr);					\
+						kern_addr_valid(_ktn) ? 				\
+						local_node_data->physical_node_map[SN1_NODE_NUMBER(_ktn)] :\
+						(DISCONBUG(_ktn), 0UL);})
+#define KVADDR_TO_NID(kaddr)		(local_node_data->physical_node_map[SN1_NODE_NUMBER(kaddr)])
+ * Given a kaddr, find the index into the clump_mem_map_base array of the page struct entry
+ * for the first page of the clump.
+ */
+#define PLAT_CLUMP_MEM_MAP_INDEX(kaddr)		({long _kmmi=(long)(kaddr);				\
+							SN1_NODE_CLUMP_NUMBER(_kmmi);})
+ * Calculate a "goal" value to be passed to __alloc_bootmem_node for allocating structures on
+ * nodes so that they dont alias to the same line in the cache as the previous allocated structure.
+ * This macro takes an address of the end of previous allocation, rounds it to a page boundary & 
+ * changes the node number.
+ */
+#define PLAT_BOOTMEM_ALLOC_GOAL(cnode,kaddr)	__pa(SN1_KADDR(PLAT_PXM_TO_PHYS_NODE_NUMBER(nid_to_pxm_map[cnode]),		\
+						  (SN1_NODE_OFFSET(kaddr) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT << PAGE_SHIFT))
+ * Convert a proximity domain number (from the ACPI tables) into a physical node number.
+ */
+#define PLAT_PXM_TO_PHYS_NODE_NUMBER(pxm)	(pxm)
+#endif /* _ASM_IA64_SN_MMZONE_SN1_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: