patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/drivers/net/wan/8253x/endian.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/drivers/net/wan/8253x/endian.h linux-2.4.19/drivers/net/wan/8253x/endian.h
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+/* -*- linux-c -*- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 By Joachim Martillo, Telford Tools, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/*	    Begin header file "endian.h"	    */
+#if !defined(_ENDIAN_HP_)
+#define _ENDIAN_HP_
+/*		    header files		    */
+/*  let's see if we know this is a big endian	    */
+#ifndef INLINE
+#define INLINE inline
+#define fnm_assert_stmt(a)
+#ifndef BYTE_ORDER
+#if defined(AMD29K) || defined(mc68000)
+#define BIG_ENDIAN     4321
+/*  global macro functions handling endian issues   */
+#if !defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+#define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
+#define fnm_get_i_big_endian(p_uc, x)	    fnm_get_ui_big_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_get_s_big_endian(p_uc, x)	    fnm_get_us_big_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_get_i_little_endian(p_uc, x)    fnm_get_ui_little_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_get_s_little_endian(p_uc, x)    fnm_get_us_little_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_get_ui_big_endian(p_uc, x)					    \
+{									    \
+	(x) = (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 24);						\
+	(x) += (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 16);						\
+	(x) += (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 8);						\
+	(x) += ((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++));							\
+#define fnm_get_us_big_endian(p_uc, x)						\
+{										\
+	(x) = (((unsigned short)(*(p_uc)++)) << 8);						\
+	(x) += ((unsigned short)(*(p_uc)++));							\
+#define fnm_get_ui_little_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	(x) = ((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++));							\
+	(x) += (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 8);						\
+	(x) += (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 16);						\
+	(x) += (((unsigned int)(*(p_uc)++)) << 24);						\
+#define fnm_get_us_little_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	(x) = ((unsigned short)(*(p_uc)++));							\
+	(x) += (((unsigned short)(*(p_uc)++)) << 8);						\
+#define fnm_store_i_big_endian(p_uc, x)		fnm_store_ui_big_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_store_s_big_endian(p_uc, x)		fnm_store_us_big_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_store_i_little_endian(p_uc, x)  fnm_store_ui_little_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_store_s_little_endian(p_uc, x)  fnm_store_us_little_endian(p_uc, x)
+#define fnm_store_ui_big_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 24);						\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 16);						\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 8);						\
+	*(p_uc)++ = ((unsigned int)(x));							\
+#define fnm_store_us_big_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (unsigned char) (((unsigned short)(x)) >> 8);				\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (unsigned char) ((unsigned short)(x));					\
+#define fnm_store_ui_little_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	*(p_uc)++ = ((unsigned int)(x));							\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 8);						\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 16);						\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned int)(x)) >> 24);						\
+#define fnm_store_us_little_endian(p_uc, x)					\
+{										\
+	*(p_uc)++ = ((unsigned short)(x));							\
+	*(p_uc)++ = (((unsigned short)(x)) >> 8);						\
+/* for now lets always use the macroes instead of the inline procedures
+   so that we are sure they work */
+#if 1 || defined(AMD29K)
+#define fnm_convert_us_endian(x)						\
+	((unsigned short)((((unsigned short)(x)) << 8) + (((unsigned short)(x)) >> 8)))
+#define fnm_convert_ui_endian(x)						\
+	((unsigned int)((((unsigned int)(x)) >> 24) + ((((unsigned int)(x)) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) +		\
+		 ((((unsigned int)(x)) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) + (((unsigned int)(x)) << 24)))
+#define fnm_make_ui_from_2_us(us_high_part, us_low_part)			\
+	((unsigned int)((((unsigned int)(us_high_part)) << 16) + ((unsigned short)(us_low_part))))
+#define fnm_make_ui_from_4_uc(p1, p2, p3, p4)					\
+	((unsigned int)(((((((unsigned int)((t_uc)p1) << 8) + ((t_uc)p2)) << 8)			\
+		+ ((t_uc)p3)) << 8) + ((t_uc)p4)))
+#define fnm_make_us_from_2_uc(uc_high_part, uc_low_part)			\
+	((unsigned short)((((unsigned short)(uc_high_part)) << 8) + ((t_uc)(uc_low_part))))
+INLINE unsigned short fni_convert_us_endian(const unsigned short x)
+	return((x << 8) + (x >> 8));
+INLINE unsigned int fni_convert_ui_endian(const unsigned int x)
+	return((x >> 24) + ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
+	   + ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) + (x << 24));
+INLINE unsigned int fni_make_ui_from_2_us(const unsigned short us_high_part,
+				  const unsigned short us_low_part)
+	return((((unsigned int)us_high_part) << 16) + us_low_part);
+INLINE unsigned int fni_make_ui_from_4_uc(const unsigned char p1, const unsigned char p2,
+				  const unsigned char p3, const unsigned char p4)
+	return(((((((unsigned int)p1 << 8) + p2) << 8) + p3) << 8) + p4);
+INLINE unsigned short fni_make_us_from_2_uc(const unsigned char uc_high_part,
+				  const unsigned char uc_low_part)
+	return((((unsigned short)uc_high_part) << 8) + uc_low_part);
+#define fnm_convert_us_endian(x)	fni_convert_us_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_ui_endian(x)	fni_convert_ui_endian(x)
+#define fnm_make_ui_from_2_us(us_high_part, us_low_part)			\
+	fni_make_ui_from_2_us(us_high_part, us_low_part)
+#define fnm_make_ui_from_4_uc(p1, p2, p3, p4)					\
+	fni_make_ui_from_4_uc(p1, p2, p3, p4)
+#define fnm_make_us_from_2_uc(uc_high_part, uc_low_part)			\
+	fni_make_us_from_2_uc(uc_high_part, uc_low_part)
+#define fnm_convert_s_endian(x)		((short)(fnm_convert_us_endian(x)))
+#define fnm_convert_i_endian(x)		((int)(fnm_convert_ui_endian(x)))
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
+#define fnm_convert_us_big_endian(x)		((unsigned short)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_s_big_endian(x)		((short)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_ui_big_endian(x)		((unsigned int)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_i_big_endian(x)		((int)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_us_little_endian(x)		fnm_convert_us_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_s_little_endian(x)		fnm_convert_s_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_ui_little_endian(x)		fnm_convert_ui_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_i_little_endian(x)		fnm_convert_i_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_us_big_endian(x)		fnm_convert_us_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_s_big_endian(x)		fnm_convert_s_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_ui_big_endian(x)		fnm_convert_ui_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_i_big_endian(x)		fnm_convert_i_endian(x)
+#define fnm_convert_us_little_endian(x)		((unsigned short)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_s_little_endian(x)		((short)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_ui_little_endian(x)		((unsigned int)(x))
+#define fnm_convert_i_little_endian(x)		((int)(x))
+/*  test macro functions handling endian issues		*/
+#if defined(NDEBUG)
+#define fnm_test_definitions()
+#define fnm_test_definitions()							\
+{										\
+	union									\
+	{										\
+	t_c	a_c[4];								\
+	unsigned short	a_us[2];							\
+	unsigned int	ul;								\
+										\
+	} t1 = { "\x01\x02\x03\x04" };						\
+										\
+	unsigned char	*p;									\
+	unsigned short	us_one, us_two;							\
+	unsigned int	ul_one;								\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((t1.a_c[0] == 1) && (t1.a_c[1] == 2) &&			\
+			(t1.a_c[2] == 3) && (t1.a_c[3] == 4));			\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_convert_ui_big_endian(t1.ul) == 0x01020304);		\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_convert_ui_little_endian(t1.ul) == 0x04030201);		\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_convert_us_big_endian(t1.a_us[0]) == 0x0102);		\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_convert_us_little_endian(t1.a_us[0]) == 0x0201);	\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_us_little_endian(p, us_one);					\
+	fnm_get_us_little_endian(p, us_two);					\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((us_one == 0x0201) && (us_two == 0x0403));			\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_us_big_endian(p, us_one);						\
+	fnm_get_us_big_endian(p, us_two);						\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((us_one == 0x0102) && (us_two == 0x0304));			\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_ui_little_endian(p, ul_one);					\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(ul_one == 0x04030201);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_ui_big_endian(p, ul_one);						\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(ul_one == 0x01020304);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_store_us_little_endian(p, 0x1234);					\
+	fnm_store_us_little_endian(p, 0x5678);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_us_little_endian(p, us_one);					\
+	fnm_get_us_little_endian(p, us_two);					\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((us_one == 0x1234) && (us_two == 0x5678));			\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_store_us_big_endian(p, 0x1234);						\
+	fnm_store_us_big_endian(p, 0x5678);						\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_us_big_endian(p, us_one);						\
+	fnm_get_us_big_endian(p, us_two);						\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((us_one == 0x1234) && (us_two == 0x5678));			\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_store_ui_little_endian(p, 0x12345678);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_ui_little_endian(p, ul_one);					\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(ul_one == 0x12345678);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_store_ui_big_endian(p, 0x12345678);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&t1);								\
+										\
+	fnm_get_ui_big_endian(p, ul_one);						\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(ul_one == 0x12345678);					\
+	fnm_assert_stmt((p-4) == ((unsigned char*)(&t1)));					\
+										\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_make_ui_from_2_us(1, 2) == 0x00010002);			\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_make_ui_from_4_uc(1, 2, 3, 4) == 0x01020304);		\
+	fnm_assert_stmt(fnm_make_us_from_2_uc(1, 2) == 0x0102);			\
+										\
+/*		End header file "endian.h"			*/

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: