patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/meminit.S

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/meminit.S linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/meminit.S
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * Define BUSWIDTH to usually be real buswidth X 2 (i.e assuming 
+ * 2-way interleaving).  This is so that the test pattern and
+ * inverted pattern are written to the same bank of memory, which
+ * prevents us reading back data sitting in the dram buffers and 
+ * getting a false match.
+ */
+#ifndef BUSWIDTH
+# if #cpu(r3000) || #cpu(r4300) || #cpu(r4650)
+#  define BUSWIDTH	8		/* 32 bit memory, bank interleaved */
+# elif #cpu(r4000)
+#  define BUSWIDTH	16		/* 64 bit memory, bank interleaved */
+# endif
+#ifndef RAM_BASE
+#ifndef MEMSTART
+#define MEMSTART	0x0		/* start of physical memory */
+#ifndef MEMINCR
+# define MEMINCR	0x10000		/* work up in 64Kb increments */
+	mfc0	t8,C0_STATUS
+#if #cpu(r4000)
+	/* disable cache and memory parity checking */
+	or	t0,t8,SR_DE
+	mtc0	t0,C0_STATUS
+	li	t0,RAM_BASE+MEMSTART	# start at bottom of phys mem
+	move	t1,t0			# remember start address
+	li	t2,0xaa55aa55		# pattern 
+	not	t3,t2			# ~pattern
+	move	t7,k0
+	la	t4,.fail		# bus error exception catcher
+	addu	k0,t4,s8		# RELOC 
+	/* fill first 64Kb with zero (for cache init) */
+	move	t4,t0
+	li	t5,0x10000
+1:	sw	zero,0(t4)
+	sw	zero,4(t4)
+	sw	zero,8(t4)
+	sw	zero,12(t4)
+	subu	t5,16
+	addu	t4,16
+	bnez	t5,1b
+        addu    t0,MEMINCR		
+	move	t4,t0
+	/* store pattern in bank 0, line 0 */
+	sw	t2,0(t4)
+	addu	t4,4
+#if BUSWIDTH > 4
+	/* fill remainder of line with zeros */
+	li	t5,BUSWIDTH-4
+1:	sw	zero,0(t4)
+	subu	t5,4
+	addu	t4,4
+	bnez	t5,1b
+	/* store inverse pattern in bank 0, line 1 */
+	sw	t3,0(t4)
+	addu	t4,4
+#if BUSWIDTH > 4
+	/* fill remainder of line with zeros */
+	li	t5,BUSWIDTH-4
+1:	sw	zero,0(t4)
+	subu	t5,4
+	addu	t4,4
+	bnez	t5,1b
+	/* defeat write buffering */
+#if #cpu(r4000)
+	sync
+	lw	zero,-4(t4)
+	lw	t4,0(t0)		# read first word of line
+	lw	t5,0(t1)		# read start of memory (should be zero)
+	bne	t4,t2,.fail		# this line wrong?
+        beq     t5,zero,.loop		# start of mem overwritten?
+	move	k0,t7			# clear exception catcher
+	/* restore Status register */
+	mtc0	t8,C0_STATUS
+	/* return top of memory offset (normally == size) */
+	subu 	v0,t0,RAM_BASE
+	j	ra
+ * We must often initialise memory so that it has good parity/ecc, 
+ * and this must be done before the caches are used.
+ */
+	clear_mem (size)
+	  - clear memory from RAM_BASE+MEMSTART to RAM_BASE+MEMSTART+size
+	clear_mem_range (size, start)  
+	  - clear memory from start to start+size
+	li	a1,RAM_BASE+MEMSTART	# start at bottom of phys mem
+	beqz	a0,9f
+	addu	a0,a1			# end of memory 
+	/* XXX should run cached, but caches may not be initialised yet */
+	.set noreorder	
+#if __mips >= 3
+1:	sd	zero,0(a1)
+	sd	zero,8(a1)
+	sd	zero,16(a1)
+	sd	zero,24(a1)
+	sd	zero,32(a1)
+	sd	zero,40(a1)
+	sd	zero,48(a1)
+	addu	a1,64
+	bne	a1,a0,1b
+	sd	zero,-8(a1)		# BDSLOT
+1:	sw	zero,0(a1)
+	sw	zero,4(a1)
+	sw	zero,8(a1)
+	sw	zero,12(a1)
+	sw	zero,16(a1)
+	sw	zero,20(a1)
+	sw	zero,24(a1)
+	sw	zero,28(a1)
+	sw	zero,32(a1)
+	sw	zero,36(a1)
+	sw	zero,40(a1)
+	sw	zero,44(a1)
+	sw	zero,48(a1)
+	sw	zero,52(a1)
+	sw	zero,56(a1)
+	addu	a1,64
+	bne	a1,a0,1b
+	sw	zero,-4(a1)		# BDSLOT
+	.set	reorder
+9:	j	ra
+	/* initialise tlb */
+	mtc0	zero,C0_TLBLO0		/* tlblo0 = invalid */
+	mtc0	zero,C0_TLBLO1		/* tlblo1 = invalid */
+        mtc0	zero,C0_PGMASK
+	li	t8,K1BASE		/* tlbhi  = impossible vpn */
+	li	t9,(NTLBENTRIES-1)	/* index */
+	.set noreorder
+	nop
+1:	mtc0	t8,C0_TLBHI
+	mtc0	t9,C0_INX
+	addu	t8,0x2000		/* inc vpn */
+	tlbwi
+	bnez	t9,1b
+	subu	t9,1			# BDSLOT
+	.set reorder
+	j	ra

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: