patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/arch/arm/mm/fault-armv.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/arch/arm/mm/fault-armv.c linux-2.4.19/arch/arm/mm/fault-armv.c
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
 #include <asm/pgalloc.h>
 #include <asm/pgtable.h>
-#include <asm/unaligned.h>
 extern void die_if_kernel(const char *str, struct pt_regs *regs, int err);
 extern void show_pte(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr);
@@ -40,499 +39,15 @@
 			struct pt_regs *regs);
- * 32-bit misaligned trap handler (c) 1998 San Mehat (CCC) -July 1998
- * /proc/sys/debug/alignment, modified and integrated into
- * Linux 2.1 by Russell King
- *
- * Speed optimisations and better fault handling by Russell King.
- *
- * *** NOTE ***
- * This code is not portable to processors with late data abort handling.
- */
-#define CODING_BITS(i)	(i & 0x0e000000)
-#define LDST_I_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 26))		/* Immediate constant	*/
-#define LDST_P_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 24))		/* Preindex		*/
-#define LDST_U_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 23))		/* Add offset		*/
-#define LDST_W_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 21))		/* Writeback		*/
-#define LDST_L_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 20))		/* Load			*/
-#define LDST_P_EQ_U(i)	((((i) ^ ((i) >> 1)) & (1 << 23)) == 0)
-#define LDSTH_I_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 22))		/* half-word immed	*/
-#define LDM_S_BIT(i)	(i & (1 << 22))		/* write CPSR from SPSR	*/
-#define RN_BITS(i)	((i >> 16) & 15)	/* Rn			*/
-#define RD_BITS(i)	((i >> 12) & 15)	/* Rd			*/
-#define RM_BITS(i)	(i & 15)		/* Rm			*/
-#define REGMASK_BITS(i)	(i & 0xffff)
-#define OFFSET_BITS(i)	(i & 0x0fff)
-#define IS_SHIFT(i)	(i & 0x0ff0)
-#define SHIFT_BITS(i)	((i >> 7) & 0x1f)
-#define SHIFT_TYPE(i)	(i & 0x60)
-#define SHIFT_LSL	0x00
-#define SHIFT_LSR	0x20
-#define SHIFT_ASR	0x40
-#define SHIFT_RORRRX	0x60
-static unsigned long ai_user;
-static unsigned long ai_sys;
-static unsigned long ai_skipped;
-static unsigned long ai_half;
-static unsigned long ai_word;
-static unsigned long ai_multi;
-static int proc_alignment_read(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
-			       int count, int *eof, void *data)
-	char *p = page;
-	int len;
-	p += sprintf(p, "User:\t\t%li\n", ai_user);
-	p += sprintf(p, "System:\t\t%li\n", ai_sys);
-	p += sprintf(p, "Skipped:\t%li\n", ai_skipped);
-	p += sprintf(p, "Half:\t\t%li\n", ai_half);
-	p += sprintf(p, "Word:\t\t%li\n", ai_word);
-	p += sprintf(p, "Multi:\t\t%li\n", ai_multi);
-	len = (p - page) - off;
-	if (len < 0)
-		len = 0;
-	*eof = (len <= count) ? 1 : 0;
-	*start = page + off;
-	return len;
- * This needs to be done after sysctl_init, otherwise sys/
- * will be overwritten.
- */
-static int __init alignment_init(void)
-	create_proc_read_entry("sys/debug/alignment", 0, NULL,
-				proc_alignment_read, NULL);
-	return 0;
-#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-union offset_union {
-	unsigned long un;
-	  signed long sn;
-#define TYPE_ERROR	0
-#define TYPE_FAULT	1
-#define TYPE_LDST	2
-#define TYPE_DONE	3
-#define get8_unaligned_check(val,addr,err)		\
-	__asm__(					\
-	"1:	ldrb	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-	"2:\n"						\
-	"	.section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"		\
-	"	.align	2\n"				\
-	"3:	mov	%0, #1\n"			\
-	"	b	2b\n"				\
-	"	.previous\n"				\
-	"	.section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"		\
-	"	.align	3\n"				\
-	"	.long	1b, 3b\n"			\
-	"	.previous\n"				\
-	: "=r" (err), "=&r" (val), "=r" (addr)		\
-	: "0" (err), "2" (addr))
-#define get8t_unaligned_check(val,addr,err)		\
-	__asm__(					\
-	"1:	ldrbt	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-	"2:\n"						\
-	"	.section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"		\
-	"	.align	2\n"				\
-	"3:	mov	%0, #1\n"			\
-	"	b	2b\n"				\
-	"	.previous\n"				\
-	"	.section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"		\
-	"	.align	3\n"				\
-	"	.long	1b, 3b\n"			\
-	"	.previous\n"				\
-	: "=r" (err), "=&r" (val), "=r" (addr)		\
-	: "0" (err), "2" (addr))
-#define get16_unaligned_check(val,addr)				\
-	do {							\
-		unsigned int err = 0, v, a = addr;		\
-		get8_unaligned_check(val,a,err);		\
-		get8_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 8;					\
-		if (err)					\
-			goto fault;				\
-	} while (0)
-#define put16_unaligned_check(val,addr)				\
-	do {							\
-		unsigned int err = 0, v = val, a = addr;	\
-		__asm__(					\
-		"1:	strb	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-		"	mov	%1, %1, lsr #8\n"		\
-		"2:	strb	%1, [%2]\n"			\
-		"3:\n"						\
-		"	.section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"		\
-		"	.align	2\n"				\
-		"4:	mov	%0, #1\n"			\
-		"	b	3b\n"				\
-		"	.previous\n"				\
-		"	.section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"		\
-		"	.align	3\n"				\
-		"	.long	1b, 4b\n"			\
-		"	.long	2b, 4b\n"			\
-		"	.previous\n"				\
-		: "=r" (err), "=&r" (v), "=&r" (a)		\
-		: "0" (err), "1" (v), "2" (a));			\
-		if (err)					\
-			goto fault;				\
-	} while (0)
-#define __put32_unaligned_check(ins,val,addr)			\
-	do {							\
-		unsigned int err = 0, v = val, a = addr;	\
-		__asm__(					\
-		"1:	"ins"	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-		"	mov	%1, %1, lsr #8\n"		\
-		"2:	"ins"	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-		"	mov	%1, %1, lsr #8\n"		\
-		"3:	"ins"	%1, [%2], #1\n"			\
-		"	mov	%1, %1, lsr #8\n"		\
-		"4:	"ins"	%1, [%2]\n"			\
-		"5:\n"						\
-		"	.section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"		\
-		"	.align	2\n"				\
-		"6:	mov	%0, #1\n"			\
-		"	b	5b\n"				\
-		"	.previous\n"				\
-		"	.section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"		\
-		"	.align	3\n"				\
-		"	.long	1b, 6b\n"			\
-		"	.long	2b, 6b\n"			\
-		"	.long	3b, 6b\n"			\
-		"	.long	4b, 6b\n"			\
-		"	.previous\n"				\
-		: "=r" (err), "=&r" (v), "=&r" (a)		\
-		: "0" (err), "1" (v), "2" (a));			\
-		if (err)					\
-			goto fault;				\
-	} while (0)
-#define get32_unaligned_check(val,addr)				\
-	do {							\
-		unsigned int err = 0, v, a = addr;		\
-		get8_unaligned_check(val,a,err);		\
-		get8_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 8;					\
-		get8_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 16;					\
-		get8_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 24;					\
-		if (err)					\
-			goto fault;				\
-	} while (0)
-#define put32_unaligned_check(val,addr)	 \
-	__put32_unaligned_check("strb", val, addr)
-#define get32t_unaligned_check(val,addr)			\
-	do {							\
-		unsigned int err = 0, v, a = addr;		\
-		get8t_unaligned_check(val,a,err);		\
-		get8t_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 8;					\
-		get8t_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 16;					\
-		get8t_unaligned_check(v,a,err);			\
-		val |= v << 24;					\
-		if (err)					\
-			goto fault;				\
-	} while (0)
-#define put32t_unaligned_check(val,addr) \
-	__put32_unaligned_check("strbt", val, addr)
-static void
-do_alignment_finish_ldst(unsigned long addr, unsigned long instr, struct pt_regs *regs, union offset_union offset)
-	if (!LDST_U_BIT(instr))
-		offset.un = -offset.un;
-	if (!LDST_P_BIT(instr))
-		addr += offset.un;
-	if (!LDST_P_BIT(instr) || LDST_W_BIT(instr))
-		regs->uregs[RN_BITS(instr)] = addr;
-static int
-do_alignment_ldrhstrh(unsigned long addr, unsigned long instr, struct pt_regs *regs)
-	unsigned int rd = RD_BITS(instr);
-	if ((instr & 0x01f00ff0) == 0x01000090)
-		goto swp;
-	if ((instr & 0x90) != 0x90 || (instr & 0x60) == 0)
-		goto bad;
-	ai_half += 1;
-	if (LDST_L_BIT(instr)) {
-		unsigned long val;
-		get16_unaligned_check(val, addr);
-		/* signed half-word? */
-		if (instr & 0x40)
-			val = (signed long)((signed short) val);
-		regs->uregs[rd] = val;
-	} else
-		put16_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], addr);
-	return TYPE_LDST;
-	printk(KERN_ERR "Alignment trap: not handling swp instruction\n");
-	return TYPE_ERROR;
-	return TYPE_FAULT;
-static int
-do_alignment_ldrstr(unsigned long addr, unsigned long instr, struct pt_regs *regs)
-	unsigned int rd = RD_BITS(instr);
-	ai_word += 1;
-	if (!LDST_P_BIT(instr) && LDST_W_BIT(instr))
-		goto trans;
-	if (LDST_L_BIT(instr))
-		get32_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], addr);
-	else
-		put32_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], addr);
-	return TYPE_LDST;
-	if (LDST_L_BIT(instr))
-		get32t_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], addr);
-	else
-		put32t_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], addr);
-	return TYPE_LDST;
-	return TYPE_FAULT;
- * LDM/STM alignment handler.
- *
- * There are 4 variants of this instruction:
- *
- * B = rn pointer before instruction, A = rn pointer after instruction
- *              ------ increasing address ----->
- *	        |    | r0 | r1 | ... | rx |    |
- * PU = 01             B                    A
- * PU = 11        B                    A
- * PU = 00        A                    B
- * PU = 10             A                    B
- */
-static int
-do_alignment_ldmstm(unsigned long addr, unsigned long instr, struct pt_regs *regs)
-	unsigned int rd, rn, correction, nr_regs, regbits;
-	unsigned long eaddr, newaddr;
-	if (LDM_S_BIT(instr))
-		goto bad;
-	correction = 4; /* processor implementation defined */
-	regs->ARM_pc += correction;
-	ai_multi += 1;
-	/* count the number of registers in the mask to be transferred */
-	nr_regs = hweight16(REGMASK_BITS(instr)) * 4;
-	rn = RN_BITS(instr);
-	newaddr = eaddr = regs->uregs[rn];
-	if (!LDST_U_BIT(instr))
-		nr_regs = -nr_regs;
-	newaddr += nr_regs;
-	if (!LDST_U_BIT(instr))
-		eaddr = newaddr;
-	if (LDST_P_EQ_U(instr))	/* U = P */
-		eaddr += 4;
-	/*
-	 * This is a "hint" - we already have eaddr worked out by the
-	 * processor for us.
-	 */
-	if (addr != eaddr) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "LDMSTM: PC = %08lx, instr = %08lx, "
-			"addr = %08lx, eaddr = %08lx\n",
-			 instruction_pointer(regs), instr, addr, eaddr);
-		show_regs(regs);
-	}
-	for (regbits = REGMASK_BITS(instr), rd = 0; regbits; regbits >>= 1, rd += 1)
-		if (regbits & 1) {
-			if (LDST_L_BIT(instr))
-				get32_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], eaddr);
-			else
-				put32_unaligned_check(regs->uregs[rd], eaddr);
-			eaddr += 4;
-		}
-	if (LDST_W_BIT(instr))
-		regs->uregs[rn] = newaddr;
-	if (!LDST_L_BIT(instr) || !(REGMASK_BITS(instr) & (1 << 15)))
-		regs->ARM_pc -= correction;
-	return TYPE_DONE;
-	regs->ARM_pc -= correction;
-	return TYPE_FAULT;
-	printk(KERN_ERR "Alignment trap: not handling ldm with s-bit set\n");
-	return TYPE_ERROR;
-static int
-do_alignment(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs)
-	union offset_union offset;
-	unsigned long instr, instrptr;
-	int (*handler)(unsigned long addr, unsigned long instr, struct pt_regs *regs);
-	unsigned int type;
-	if (user_mode(regs))
-		goto user;
-	ai_sys += 1;
-	instrptr = instruction_pointer(regs);
-	instr = *(unsigned long *)instrptr;
-	regs->ARM_pc += 4;
-	switch (CODING_BITS(instr)) {
-	case 0x00000000:	/* ldrh or strh */
-		if (LDSTH_I_BIT(instr))
-			offset.un = (instr & 0xf00) >> 4 | (instr & 15);
-		else
-			offset.un = regs->uregs[RM_BITS(instr)];
-		handler = do_alignment_ldrhstrh;
-		break;
-	case 0x04000000:	/* ldr or str immediate */
-		offset.un = OFFSET_BITS(instr);
-		handler = do_alignment_ldrstr;
-		break;
-	case 0x06000000:	/* ldr or str register */
-		offset.un = regs->uregs[RM_BITS(instr)];
-		if (IS_SHIFT(instr)) {
-			unsigned int shiftval = SHIFT_BITS(instr);
-			switch(SHIFT_TYPE(instr)) {
-			case SHIFT_LSL:
-				offset.un <<= shiftval;
-				break;
-			case SHIFT_LSR:
-				offset.un >>= shiftval;
-				break;
-			case SHIFT_ASR:
- >>= shiftval;
-				break;
-			case SHIFT_RORRRX:
-				if (shiftval == 0) {
-					offset.un >>= 1;
-					if (regs->ARM_cpsr & CC_C_BIT)
-						offset.un |= 1 << 31;
-				} else
-					offset.un = offset.un >> shiftval |
-							  offset.un << (32 - shiftval);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		handler = do_alignment_ldrstr;
-		break;
-	case 0x08000000:	/* ldm or stm */
-		handler = do_alignment_ldmstm;
-		break;
-	default:
-		goto bad;
-	}
-	type = handler(addr, instr, regs);
-	if (type == TYPE_ERROR || type == TYPE_FAULT)
-		goto bad_or_fault;
-	if (type == TYPE_LDST)
-		do_alignment_finish_ldst(addr, instr, regs, offset);
-	return 0;
-	if (type == TYPE_ERROR)
-		goto bad;
-	regs->ARM_pc -= 4;
-	/*
-	 * We got a fault - fix it up, or die.
-	 */
-	do_bad_area(current, current->mm, addr, error_code, regs);
-	return 0;
-	/*
-	 * Oops, we didn't handle the instruction.
-	 */
-	printk(KERN_ERR "Alignment trap: not handling instruction "
-		"%08lx at [<%08lx>]\n", instr, instrptr);
-	ai_skipped += 1;
-	return 1;
-	set_cr(cr_no_alignment);
-	ai_user += 1;
-	return 0;
+extern int do_alignment(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs);
-#define do_alignment NULL
+#define do_alignment do_bad
- * Some section permission faults need to be handled gracefully, for
- * instance, when they happen due to a __{get,put}_user during an oops).
+ * Some section permission faults need to be handled gracefully.
+ * They can happen due to a __{get,put}_user during an oops.
 static int
 do_sect_fault(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs)
@@ -557,73 +72,54 @@
 	return 1;
+ * This abort handler always returns "fault".
+ */
+static int
+do_bad(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	return 1;
 static const struct fsr_info {
 	int	(*fn)(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs);
 	int	sig;
-	char	*name;
+	const char *name;
 } fsr_info[] = {
-	{ NULL,			SIGSEGV, "vector exception"		   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGSEGV, "vector exception"		   },
 	{ do_alignment,		SIGILL,	 "alignment exception"		   },
-	{ NULL,			SIGKILL, "terminal exception"		   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGKILL, "terminal exception"		   },
 	{ do_alignment,		SIGILL,	 "alignment exception"		   },
 	{ do_external_fault,	SIGBUS,	 "external abort on linefetch"	   },
 	{ do_translation_fault,	SIGSEGV, "section translation fault"	   },
 	{ do_external_fault,	SIGBUS,	 "external abort on linefetch"	   },
 	{ do_page_fault,	SIGSEGV, "page translation fault"	   },
 	{ do_external_fault,	SIGBUS,	 "external abort on non-linefetch" },
-	{ NULL,			SIGSEGV, "section domain fault"		   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGSEGV, "section domain fault"		   },
 	{ do_external_fault,	SIGBUS,	 "external abort on non-linefetch" },
-	{ NULL,			SIGSEGV, "page domain fault"		   },
-	{ NULL,			SIGBUS,	 "external abort on translation"   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGSEGV, "page domain fault"		   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGBUS,	 "external abort on translation"   },
 	{ do_sect_fault,	SIGSEGV, "section permission fault"	   },
-	{ NULL,			SIGBUS,	 "external abort on translation"   },
+	{ do_bad,		SIGBUS,	 "external abort on translation"   },
 	{ do_page_fault,	SIGSEGV, "page permission fault"	   }
- * Currently dropped down to debug level
+ * Dispatch a data abort to the relevant handler.
 asmlinkage void
 do_DataAbort(unsigned long addr, int error_code, struct pt_regs *regs, int fsr)
 	const struct fsr_info *inf = fsr_info + (fsr & 15);
-#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_SA110) || defined(CONFIG_CPU_SA1100) || defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_ERRORS)
-	if (addr == regs->ARM_pc)
-		goto sa1_weirdness;
-	if (!inf->fn)
-		goto bad;
 	if (!inf->fn(addr, error_code, regs))
-	printk(KERN_ALERT "Unhandled fault: %s (%X) at 0x%08lx\n",
+	printk(KERN_ALERT "Unhandled fault: %s (0x%03x) at 0x%08lx\n",
 		inf->name, fsr, addr);
-	show_pte(current->mm, addr);
 	force_sig(inf->sig, current);
+	show_pte(current->mm, addr);
 	die_if_kernel("Oops", regs, 0);
-	return;
-#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_SA110) || defined(CONFIG_CPU_SA1100) || defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_ERRORS)
-	if (user_mode(regs)) {
-		static int first = 1;
-		if (first) {
-			printk(KERN_DEBUG "Fixing up bad data abort at %08lx\n", addr);
-			show_pte(current->mm, addr);
-		}
-		first = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!inf->fn || inf->fn(addr, error_code, regs))
-		goto bad;
-	return;
 asmlinkage void
@@ -680,38 +176,13 @@
- * Take care of architecture specific things when placing a new PTE into
- * a page table, or changing an existing PTE.  Basically, there are two
- * things that we need to take care of:
- *
- *  1. If PG_dcache_dirty is set for the page, we need to ensure
- *     that any cache entries for the kernels virtual memory
- *     range are written back to the page.
- *  2. If we have multiple shared mappings of the same space in
- *     an object, we need to deal with the cache aliasing issues.
- *
- * Note that the page_table_lock will be held.
- */
-void update_mmu_cache(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr, pte_t pte)
+static void
+make_coherent(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr, struct page *page)
-	struct page *page = pte_page(pte);
 	struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
-	struct mm_struct *mm;
-	unsigned long pgoff;
-	int aliases;
-	if (!VALID_PAGE(page) || !page->mapping)
-		return;
-	if (test_and_clear_bit(PG_dcache_dirty, &page->flags)) {
-		unsigned long kvirt = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
-		cpu_cache_clean_invalidate_range(kvirt, kvirt + PAGE_SIZE, 0);
-	}
-	mm = vma->vm_mm;
-	pgoff = (addr - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-	aliases = 0;
+	struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
+	unsigned long pgoff = (addr - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	int aliases = 0;
 	 * If we have any shared mappings that are in the same mm
@@ -727,7 +198,7 @@
 		 * Note that we intentionally don't mask out the VMA
 		 * that we are fixing up.
-		if (mpnt->vm_mm != mm && mpnt != vma)
+		if (mpnt->vm_mm != mm || mpnt == vma)
@@ -749,3 +220,30 @@
 	if (aliases)
 		adjust_pte(vma, addr);
+ * Take care of architecture specific things when placing a new PTE into
+ * a page table, or changing an existing PTE.  Basically, there are two
+ * things that we need to take care of:
+ *
+ *  1. If PG_dcache_dirty is set for the page, we need to ensure
+ *     that any cache entries for the kernels virtual memory
+ *     range are written back to the page.
+ *  2. If we have multiple shared mappings of the same space in
+ *     an object, we need to deal with the cache aliasing issues.
+ *
+ * Note that the page_table_lock will be held.
+ */
+void update_mmu_cache(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr, pte_t pte)
+	struct page *page = pte_page(pte);
+	if (VALID_PAGE(page) && page->mapping) {
+		if (test_and_clear_bit(PG_dcache_dirty, &page->flags)) {
+			unsigned long kvirt = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
+			cpu_cache_clean_invalidate_range(kvirt, kvirt + PAGE_SIZE, 0);
+		}
+		make_coherent(vma, addr, page);
+	}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: