patch-2.4.13 linux/arch/s390/kernel/head.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.12/linux/arch/s390/kernel/head.S linux/arch/s390/kernel/head.S
@@ -461,28 +461,52 @@
         .org  0x10000
 startup:basr  %r13,0                     # get base
 .LPG1:  lctl  %c0,%c15,.Lctl-.LPG1(%r13) # load control registers
-	la    %r12,parmarea-.LPG1(%r13)  # pointer to parameter area
+	la    %r12,_pstart-.LPG1(%r13)   # pointer to parameter area
 					 # move IPL device to lowcore
         mvc   __LC_IPLDEV(4),IPL_DEVICE-PARMAREA(%r12)
-# find out memory size.
+# find memory chunks.
 	mvc   __LC_PGM_NEW_PSW(8),.Lpcmem-.LPG1(%r13)
-        lhi   %r2,1
-        sll   %r2,17                     # test in increments of 128KB
-	lr    %r1,%r2
-	ahi   %r1,-4                     # test last word in the segment
-	l     %r0,0(%r1)                 # test 128KB segment
-	st    %r0,0(%r1)
-	ar    %r1,%r2                    # add 128KB
-	bnm   .Lloop-.LPG1(%r13)         # r1 < 0x80000000 -> loop
-	n     %r1,.L4malign-.LPG1(%r13)  # align to multiples of 4M
-        l     %r2,.Lmemsize-.LPG1(%r13)  # address of variable memory_size
-	st    %r1,0(%r2)                 # store memory size
+	la    %r1,1                      # test in increments of 128KB
+	sll   %r1,17
+	l     %r3,.Lmchunk-.LPG1(%r13)   # get pointer to memory_chunk array
+	slr   %r4,%r4                    # set start of chunk to zero
+	slr   %r5,%r5                    # set end of chunk to zero
+	slr   %r6,%r6			 # set access code to zero
+	tprot 0(%r5),0			 # test protection of first byte
+	ipm   %r7
+	srl   %r7,28
+	clr   %r6,%r7			 # compare cc with last access code
+	be    .Lsame-.LPG1(%r13)
+	clr   %r4,%r5			 # chunk size > 0?
+	be    .Lsize0-.LPG1(%r13)
+	st    %r4,0(%r3)		 # store start address of chunk
+	lr    %r0,%r5
+	slr   %r0,%r4
+	st    %r0,4(%r3)		 # store size of chunk
+	st    %r6,8(%r3)		 # store type of chunk
+	la    %r3,12(%r3)
+	lr    %r4,%r5			 # set start to end
+	lr    %r6,%r7			 # set access code to last cc
+	ar    %r5,%r1			 # add 128KB to end of chunk
+	bno   .Lloop-.LPG1(%r13)	 # r1 < 0x80000000 -> loop
+.Lchkmem:				 # > 2GB or tprot got a program check
+	clr   %r4,%r5			 # chunk size > 0?
+	be    .Ldonemem-.LPG1(%r13)
+	st    %r4,0(%r3)		 # store start address of chunk
+	lr    %r0,%r5
+	slr   %r0,%r4
+	st    %r0,4(%r3)		 # store size of chunk
+	st    %r6,8(%r3)		 # store type of chunk
+        l     %r1,.Lmemsize-.LPG1(%r13)  # address of variable memory_size
+	st    %r5,0(%r1)                 # store last end to memory size
         l      %r12,.Lmflags-.LPG1(%r13) # get address of machine_flags
 # find out if we are running under VM
@@ -534,7 +558,7 @@
 .Lentry:.long  0x00080000,0x80000000 + _stext
 .Lctl:  .long  0x04b50002               # cr0: various things
         .long  0                        # cr1: primary space segment table
-        .long  0                        # cr2: access register translation
+        .long  .Lduct                   # cr2: dispatchable unit control table
         .long  0                        # cr3: instruction authorization
         .long  0                        # cr4: instruction authorization
         .long  0                        # cr5:  various things
@@ -552,47 +576,50 @@
 .Lpcfpu:.long  0x00080000,0x80000000 + .Lchkfpu
 .Lpccsp:.long  0x00080000,0x80000000 + .Lchkcsp
 .Lpcmvpg:.long 0x00080000,0x80000000 + .Lchkmvpg
-.L4malign:.long 0xffc00000
 .Lmemsize:.long memory_size
+.Lmchunk:.long memory_chunk
 .Lmflags:.long machine_flags
+	.org PARMAREA-64
+.Lduct:	.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+	.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 # params at 10400 (setup.h)
 	.org   PARMAREA
+	.global _pstart
         .long  0,0                      # IPL_DEVICE
         .long  0,RAMDISK_ORIGIN         # INITRD_START
-        .long  0,0x800000               # INITRD_SIZE
+        .long  0,RAMDISK_SIZE           # INITRD_SIZE
         .org   COMMAND_LINE
     	.byte  "root=/dev/ram0 ro"
         .byte  0
+	.org   0x11000
+	.global _pend
-# startup-code, running in virtual mode
 	.org   0x100000
-        .org   0x10800
+# startup-code, running in virtual mode
         .globl _stext
 _stext:	basr  %r13,0                    # get base
-# Setup lowcore
+# Setup stack
-        l     %r1,__LC_IPLDEV           # load ipl device number
-        spx   .Lprefix-.LPG2(%r13)      # set prefix to linux lowcore
-        st    %r1,__LC_IPLDEV           # store ipl device number
         l     %r15,.Linittu-.LPG2(%r13)
-        ahi   %r15,8192                 # init_task_union + 8191
+        ahi   %r15,8192                 # init_task_union + 8192
         st    %r15,__LC_KERNEL_STACK    # set end of kernel stack
         ahi   %r15,-96
         xc    0(4,%r15),0(%r15)         # set backchain to zero
-        lhi   %r0,-1
-        st    %r0,__LC_KERNEL_LEVEL     # set interrupt count to -1
 # clear bss memory
@@ -622,7 +649,6 @@
             .align 8
 .Ldw:	    .long  0x000a0000,0x00000000
-.Lprefix:   .long  init_S390_lowcore	
 .Linittu:   .long  init_task_union
 .Lstart:    .long  start_kernel
 .Lbss_bgn:  .long  __bss_start

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: